snowguy Ok , but do you gonna believe me when i say someone didn't wanted to switch , because they were winning ? Or they switched to the winning team ,, i don't know , probably not... thats something i can't demo at that time , you just have to believe me when i say that? They want no rules , there are no rules , like i said before you only ban for not wanna make teams 🙂 and inappropriate language. And And reg only making it worse with his bullshit , don't fool me reg im trying to explain something -- you talk too much -- ...And if they come to the server and have a 200ping thats their problem not mine , they choose to play here with a high ping, they can go to atlanta , no excuses , then they can have a 50ping. Are you supporting reg for his ? makes nosense.. ''if a high ping can let you playing like a twat , if thats ok...'' they made 4caps while he was spawnkilling in 3minutes - score was 4-3 eventually 4-7 , all coollllllllllllllllllllllll.. game done and he was gone , thats how they play , fkn things up and byebye , i had my happyshot))
If you had banned some people back in the day when you were still playing it was all a bit cleaner , now its a mess, better make some serious rules , has nothing to do with fun anymore m8. For them its fun , for those losers its fun , like losers in reallife they make the fun, only in real life u get punished 🙂
i ask myself a loth 'what am i still doing here' ? , why am i still playing on that server because its the last one? '' i just joined a clan , maybe i should play with them on their servers. I think what you don't understand is that the good people stay away .