Not that I'm picky, but it reminded me of how once on the server "Fast Download SMoKiNG 4 Everyone - Face Only" there was an option to choose, among others, Skaarj, Nali or WarCow. At first I was wondering why so many people played these characters? But I quickly noticed that something was wrong with them. Namely, when they are in motion, it is very hard to hit them. Probably the mesh animations of these models were designed differently or something. In addition, there is an option in the game - "Force Default Models", which causes that for the person who enabled this option then the skins are replaced with the standard ones, but unfortunately the mesh animations are not. Maybe I'm wrong.
In general, I also once noticed that there is something wrong with the Xan model - he is visually thicker than the rest, but more bulletproof, because I often have trouble hitting him, no matter who is playing this robot. :/