euh.. Hi guys!
First of all let me tell you that I rarely spawnkill. I only do it when the other team is doing it as well..
Hiding in spots and spamming secondary shock and bouncing YOUR OWN teammates out of place when they are carrying the flag. Never a cover , never assists , few grabs here in there, cause you probably happened to fall on the flag while camping.
It's not true. Yes I camp in order to defend. the few grabs come as I mainly defend. All my life I was never a good attacker. I've always been a defender. And I find it amusing to camp while at it... If camping is so lame, it should not be a problem for elite players like you.
I rarely disturb my team by bouncing them. It might happen if I'm trying to hit someone else and they get in the way. Or they try to camp next to me... And please do not confuse boosts with bouncing 🙂
And trust me.. If you get my flag, I'll chase your ass off... And probably I got you quite few times that's what's bothering you.
Also you should learn a thing or two about camping... Its one of the most efficient defenses. Please notice that most of the times I camp where the flagcarrier has to pass...
You know why you play the way you do annoying? Because you're scared to face the reality that you're just an average player. In other words , and breaks my heart saying it =)) , you're a coward my friend.
I'm noob. I know it. But I camp because I ENJOY it. I like to be sneaky.
Thanks for the attention though.