Never said they are not using their brains at all. I just wish, like apparently some others here as well who wish that the "good" players play more CTF and less DM, that they use their brains and empathy towards other players more.
If you don't care about winning a game, why is the !teams command so cancer to you then? If you don't mind losing, how does it matter in what team you are playing? I honestly don't understasnd why it would piss someone off if the teams get mixed. Except maybe premades that would like to play on the same team.
I'm typing !teams even when I'm on the leading team and even when it's leading because of me and I never mind switching over to the other team, sometimes I even forcingly switch to the other team, if the team balance doesn't do its work. For me, the teams in every match and in any time should be as balanced as possible, so we can have fair games, because games with unbalanced teams suck.
Even though it is a "No Rules Server", as you call it, there in fact are some rules that are set and visible in the Mapvote and also there are other "rules" that are already initially set in the game mode. Like as Snowguy said before, there already is an anti-spam of the shockballs (which I was aware of btw @snowguy), or the SmartCTF settings where you loose points for spawnkilling or only gain 1 point (I'm not completely sure what the exact settings are).
Again, I'm not trying to add some new rules to this server. I'm here to discuss the adjustment of some already initially set rules. For example if the shockball anti-spam gets adjusted properly, there won't be any more players that crouch in one place and only right-click all game long.
I'm also here ONLY to have fun, no idea why for you it seems like I'm very competitive or serious. All I'm trying to do is to increase the fun by fixing the lame part of it. And apparently I'm by far not the only one who defines the current laming on this server as not enjoyable.