player_0 At first I thought that you and PepsiCola are the same person,

2 days ago you said in the other thread you thought PepsiCola is Organner: LINK 1, LINK 2
And today in another (this) thread you thought PepsiCola is Schizazoid.
And who will PepsiCola be tomorrow for you? Santa Claus?
You change your mind as fast as a wind changes directions, maybe you still drunk...
Also "organner" is listed as a botter on the HOF blacklist: at nr 49,
there would be no logic in PepsiCola putting his own nicks on the blacklist...

player_0 PepsiCola is one of the staunchest (...)

So Nicefu and Ooper is too, and probably a few others, because Nicefu does the same: calls a player a "101% cheater": LINK , and Ooper created a thread called "Actual cheater" , but you're picking only on PepsiCola...where is your consistency, you apply double standards...anyway, if you don't like anybody saying X is a cheater, then take it as opinions, why so nervous, there is a cheaters advocate group on this forum, who will always say: "he is not a cheater, he is clean, I know him, I play with him for years" and so on, but it doesn't bother you, of course, it just bothers you in the other direction, again: you apply double standards, troll too much on the forum, insult, attack and say to cut someone's legs off...

That's not the HOF blacklist, that's your I think they are cheating list.

Sure, bad wording / semantic, I didn't mean it's a list created by HOF, only posted on HOF forums, but the point / context was he wrongly assumed PepsiCola is organner.

player_0 I thought that you and PepsiCola are the same person, because you have a similar style of description

Yeah, ri-i-ight, we're so-o-o similiar in our styles and wording, and grammar and whatnot. IDK, may be you read forums while under influence of some substance or you just tired, but my style and pepsi's are not that similiar to confuse one another. Just read your impression about pepsi's wording and compare it to my initial post in my recently opened thread.
If you think that general things like "look at timestamp" and whatnot (or calling somebody's a cheater while providing demo and video) makes our wording similiar, then I guess pepsi actually just took over the forum with his alleged aliases, lol.

player_0 I offended you

I've heard far too many insults from all sorts of ppl to take it to heart. Still, I will call out bs when I see it.
You've mostly damaged only your own face. lol. In public's perception that is (if anybody actually cares enough to read through these posts).

As for the style of some of the posts written by you and this kid, I meant that you analyze individual statements of different people, referring to them only in one thread. Rarely do I see this type of statement because only I have noticed it in Mr. Snowguy. Only he has to because he is one and we are many. Besides, I noticed both of you on the forum around the same time.
Whether you believe me or not. You will do as you please.
I don't want talk to this kid in a separate thread, so I'll write here.
I know, Mr. Gonzales, that Organner is you. I was just trying to get you to admit it, but you still lack the balls. Know that the admin of this server knows it too.

    player_0 a kid

    Says a kid, who calls names on this forum, (along with Ooper), post trollish comments with Saruman, and speaks about cutting someone's legs off (along with ESUOH), and now says 3 nicknames being the same person, excuse me, but don't call me a kid, kid.

    player_0 I know, Mr. Gonzales, that Organner is you.

    So I'm not Schizazoid anymore?... Ok, I'm now organner. Call me when I'll somebody else again.
    By the way call me also when you decide I'm "a kid" or "a Mr".

    FFS people stop with this witch hunt it's down right retarded. A list on some extinct clan site don't mean shit to me and it shouldn't mean shit to anyone with half a fucking brain. You all sound like these cancel culture commies we have running amuck here in the US. Most of these players that get accused if they are cheating they are damn fine players on top of that so what would be the point. I know of no one myself included that defends, supports, collaborates or any other terms you you want to feed people to cast a shadow of suspicion upon players such as myself for simply not agreeing with you.


      Could you fuck off to the general thread with your general comments or comments not fitting to the current specific thread? Here you go: and stay there, don't infect / hijack specific threads and don't turn them into general discussions which further quickly end as another lame trollposting threads, is this a way you and player_0 troll on the forum everyone who report a player? To make a cesspool out of every discussion, so you can easily throw your shit at anybody?

      I don't trust sbt and would like nothing more to say yes that is proof of him cheating but it's not, a second or so before he does a stand still combo at an area that's very likely for a player to be when using a grapple, you can hear a second grapple sound(the first one being a team mate).

      Also it was noxfox aka haxxy he killed, I'm willing to bet he was after sbt the entire game, he does the same thing to me when I play and is too dumb to change how he chases you.

      Try this video editor it's easy enough to use for cutting junk out of clips:

      Stop playing at 60fps you are just making it harder on yourself playing with such bad settings, even if you don't have a 144hz, 240hz monitor your mouse inputs & movements will be more responsive at higher fps. PS5 games can do 120fps for a reason.

        How can you hear a climbing over a grapple sound of his opponent, before his opponent's grapple is hooked to a wall? That climbing sound is played after a grapple is hooked, and not before....

        Also you haven't provided any "steps to reproduce" how to use your movie editing program to prove there is the second grapple sound, providing just a link is insufficient and proves nothing...

        Also you're speaking about a grapple sound while the guy doing "a combo", which means detonating the ball, and it's not about it, it's about the guy aiming his opponent and firing a ball (before detonating it)

        Your comment is too vague, lacks detailed information and proves nothing in it's current state.

        He hears(or at least I can hear) the grapple(2 different grapple sounds[one is a teammate]) ~ 1:07(you can hear it when he's grappling on the wall you can't see, that's why the sound stops when he shoots it at the wall you can see) and shoots the shockball just before 1:09.

        He also isn't that close to hitting him, the large combo radius killed him:

          The kid reminds me of a blonde girl kneeling in front of a store door with a pull sign.


            But if his opponent was grappling from a wall to a wall, then there would be a gap in the grapple sound as long until the opponent's grapple hooks up to the next wall, because an unhooked grapple doesn't generate a climbing sound. But there is no gap, we hear one continous grapple climbing sound. So it could be either one out of two coincidences:

            • because the teammate's grapple's sound covered the gap, even if so, (2 grapple sounds like 1 sound), it means the guy has to be so skilled that he in matter of several seconds, realised what you realised only after spending long time in an video/audio editor...unless he has some really modified sound settings which let him know all sounds so easily
            • because there was no second grapple sound and it was the teammate who unhooked a grapple at the same time frame the combo shock was fired by the guy, because it all was happening at the same time

            As for a combo, given it's long radius, there is no need to aim precisely at the target with a combo, so I don't know why do you expect it, still the guy aimed him very accurately while not knowing his position, also a time accuracy of the moment he was moving his crosshair and then firing a ball was too perfect.


            I'll ignore just another your childish comment, kid.

            It doesn't look like a random combo, the guy started aiming (moving his crosshair) at the opponent at the exact moment the opponent started to approach the edge of the wall, as if seeing him through a fucking wall, and then the guy fired a ball at the opponent, again at the perfect moment, as if seeing him through a fucking wall and knowing perfectly when the opponent will pop out from behind the wall.

            Something must have told the guy the opponent is approaching the edge of a wall.

            You call the something a luck / random / feeling, while I can buy it in many other similiar cases, I don't buy it in this case, too precise timing corelation of moving the crosshair, if he had moved and set his crosshair sooner or later, I could buy it.

            Ooper said the something was another grapple sound, which Ooper needed to spend a long time in a video/audio editor to notice it, and tells me the guy noticed it in a matter of several seconds, and was able to distinguish the two sounds easly, and all this wihout a video/audio editor. I don't buy it, nor buy the guy has ears like a bat or like a sonar of a submarine.

            It definately looks more not random than random, very suspicious.

            I noticed the sound the first/second time I watched the clip, I've played long enough to know what the grapple sounds like, and he probably has sweaty settings where the death sounds aren't as loud making it easier to hear grapples, you can adjust those settings in the menu of 469.

              Ooper and he probably has sweaty settings where the death sounds aren't as loud making it easier to hear grapples

              Yeah, like I already said: "unless he has some really modified sound settings which let him know all sounds so easily"
              At least more convincing reasoning than "random" invented by idiots like player_0

              Also the whole situation on the video looks like two cars at an intersection, one of which adjusting it's speed and direction to collide with the other, can do it easily when seeing the other car, hard to do it when not seeing the other car and only hearing the sound of the other car mixed with a sound of another car.

              You just turned the whole law of universal gravitation upside down. You have abolished uniform rectilinear motion in one move. How you inspired me, boy!