Thanks for the suggestions. I'm open to changes but in this case I will just try to explain why the settings are set this way.
I made it so there had to be a minimum of 4 players for kick votes to take effect because the server used to have 2 players that were friends playing every night and whenever someone else would join they would kick the 3rd player from the server effectively keeping the server private for multiple hours each night. Setting this to 3 players minimum for kick voting would still allow just 2 players to be able to basically own the server as they could then just kick the 3rd player each time one joined. The same could still take place if 3 players joined and voted to kick together now but it is less likely for this to happen than with just 2 players voting together.
I really only leave the kick vote enabled because around 4 times per year (rough estimate) a player will join with a full on snapping to targets aimbot and as much as I try I just can't monitor the server 24/7. This way at least the players do have the opportunity to remove someone like this until I notice and start blocking them myself. I do agree that it is often hard to get greater than 50% of players to vote together for kicking but that is really by design. By lowering it, players would often get kicked for reasons other than cheating and that is not the goal of the kick vote on the server.
Anyway, those are the reasons for these settings. Everyone please feel free to continue the discussion and make a case for why they should be changed.