Hello Community!
Many of you maybe know me I often play with the nickname bartek.gpl
In the last days where I was in Netherlands and at this time I got banned from many Servers including this. I got today an Information in the Discord Server (UnrealKillers) that someone with the Nickname „Arsch>“ were using a Aimbot on few servers.
Well only I and my younger brother have acces to the laptop and he is often playing with my username when I’m at work or not at home.
I talked with him and showed him the informations about cheating. He told me that He was playing while I was not at home and he has only changed the username to “Arsch>” and were playing normal and fair. He also told me that he got propably kicked and banned “because of the name” What I doesnt believe.
I’m not an expert in mods or cheating so I couldn’t find any file with the name “aimbot” in the system. Probably he deleted it I don’t exactly know. If someone could tell me exact information what these aimbots were named I would be very happy.
I want to apologise to everyone for breaking the game rules.
I changed the password on my laptop and he doesn’t have acces.
If someone notice any cheaters with aimbot while I’m not playing please inform me so I can check this. You can send me a Email: bartekgrzelak200620@gmail.com
Btw sorry for my bad englisch..
Thank you,