yes since you like the g403 you enjoy ergo shapes more, however the DA is a big mouse so it probably doesnt feel as good in your hand
kaguya i also have the viper mini , and thats more my thing , then the DA 🙂 small and light , -but the sensor , i don't know.
maybe try the DA mini if you want a small ergo mouse, idk
kaguya i think thats the same sensor then the viper , im not sure 🙂 Gonna see for logitech pro , i like that shape its like the oldscool , first logitech mouses 🙂
yeah both are good choices either road you want to take
Ooper Can you update the g305 hero to a higher hero sensor 16k or 25k ?
kaguya got my answer , thanks 🙂
yeah no egg shape with 25k sensor unfortunately