Schizazoid It means that Gonzalez just a ... that always tries to enforce his own views on others by portraying himself as more intelligent/moral than others, whereas it's far from true.
Go troll elsewhere, vampire, I know better what I meant, than you, and I've already explained it above, as long I provide arguments, nothing is enforced.
Schizazoid and here he is: out of the blue just insulting you, because you didn't say something about some silly gifs he didn't like, lol.
You're repeating the same crappy accusations already said in his comment: LINK 1, and to which I already provided the reply: LINK 2, you are so stupid, go read it because I won't repeat myself twice.
Schizazoid about some silly gifs he didn't like, lol.
You're repeating yourself again, and looking again for a cheap excuse, this matter was already discussed in the previous thread, and I replied to you saying that this isn't just "some silly gifs he didn't like, lol." but disgusting NSFW shit that insults everyone and which should not be allowed, but you suffer from Coprophagia fetish, hence you defend such NSFW crap.
Schizazoid I bet gonzalez gonna write another shitpost with following messaging:"BACK AT IT AGAIN, POLLUTING OTHER THREAD? I'VE BEATEN YOU ALREADY!!!"
It's you who have written a shitpost, not me, and I don't even need to say why you did it, because you've already perfectly described it by yourself.
Says a clown to a mirror.