I think I see the cause of the crashes you programmed it to try to catch std, I think it may have caught something.
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the_cowboy What a very unshitty way of reporting crashes. I am not sure what is more vomity the crash or the report.
Don't cry boy, clowns like you, who lecture others about morality, when they themselves accept its non-observance, are so funny. "On constructive note", it's less "unshitty" than this, which is more "vomity": LINK, but you and nobody didn't care nor speak about morality or the forum rules then, you silently accepted it, why you suddenly care now and don't want to silently accept now, egoist? To speak about morality / rules always or never, instead of cherry-picking cases like a hypocrite. This is Cowboy's morality: he likes shit on photos, but not in words, I wonder if he likes / tolerates shit in spray.
the_cowboy Here you go. Try with this dll and let me know if you still get crash.
If you want to get something fixed it's always best to insult the developer, then rage when he responds to you in the same manner as you did to him.
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Ooper it's always best to insult ...
No, it's always best to insult everybody on the forum, by breaking any human morality and the forum rules / guidelines, by making shit on the users's face, by posting / allowing disgusting NSFW photos with shit, then to act like nothing bad happened, and then to rage and accuse someone of insulting, just because he responds in the similiar manner, with a comment which contains words "shit", which is a level less disusting than your photos containing shit. You like / tolerate shit on photos, at the same time you struggle with accepting words "shit" in a comment, I wonder whether do you like / tolerate shit in spray? Why don't you, clowns, preach your sermons on morality under your own comments with shit on the photos? Fuck, your morality is so moral that it is immoral, go troll elsewhere. Fuck, I shouldn't even talk to guys who paste / accept NSFW photos with shit, I should just paste a photo with shit in my reply, so that you can enjoy your fetish.
Ooper If you want to get something fixed
I don't give a fuck so much, I just reported bugs, regardless they will be fixed or not.
And I didn't mean to offend Cowboy, just all those crashes and bugs in all software, are sometimes annoying.
Not to mention I myself contributed many years on open source programming, and reported hundreds bugs and crashes of many softwares, so I wasn't only taking, but also giving, trought many years.
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PepsiCola I am afraid you may have a point Cola. Keeping silence on certain issues in some contexts do result in supporting them. If it were upto me I'd ban the use of certain words and imagery (certainly the ones you have quoted). But I am not the admin of these forums and I am not so narrow-minded to tell the admins to take certain steps. Karma (something many don't believe in) shall take due course, until then I have to (and honoured to) bear the burden as a member of this community.
P.S. I laugh and cry and you won't know the difference.
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I appreciate your opinion against NSFW crap, posting a comment with an opinion + clicking the "flag" button, is a sufficient protest action, there is no need to further force the moderation, as they have to decide on their own whether they are humans or chimpanzees, it's just a pity that you expressed your opinion and agreed so late, and only after being pressed by an argument, compared to your current opinion about the use of words like "shit" and similar in comments, which you expressed right away on your own, but as they say, sometimes better late than never, at least we proved that we do not suffer from Coprophagia fetish, compared to the (most) other users... keep a good job buddy.
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PepsiCola and only after being pressed by an argument
You may be mistaken (afraid is figure of speech ). The rightfulness of an argument is convincing enough. Nothing to do with "pressing" in my context. And in that sense no one has any power to "press" me.
PepsiCola it's just a pity that you expressed your opinion and agreed so late
I am trying to understand whatever this means. I don't believe in rash decisions and neither in group politics (group theory, yes). As you rightfully pointed "better late than never", I also want to say "better late than wrong".
the_cowboy I am trying to understand whatever this means
It means that Gonzalez just a moron that always tries to enforce his own views on others by portraying himself as more intelligent/moral than others, whereas it's far from true.
He cried about people insulting him on forum, and here he is:
out of the blue just insulting you, because you didn't say something about some silly gifs he didn't like, lol.
I bet gonzalez gonna write another shitpost with following messaging:"BACK AT IT AGAIN, POLLUTING OTHER THREAD? I'VE BEATEN YOU ALREADY!!!"
Guy is a clown. Unfunny one at that.
Sorry for off-topic, heh.
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the_cowboy I am trying to understand whatever this means. (...)
I meant that you didn't express your public opinion against the NSFW crap, despite it was posted long time ago, and if not the current discussion regarding words in my comment, which is related to the NSFW crap, you still wouldn't even have expressed your public opinion against the NSFW crap.
the_cowboy The rightfulness of an argument is convincing enough. I don't believe in rash decisions
Do you mean you need months of meditation to realise a simple thing which is self-evident: that 2+2=4, or that posting NSFW crap is bad on a forum or that Russian invasion on Ukraine is bad? Excuse me, but it seems like you've been looking for cheap excuses why you didn't take any action against NSFW crap before.
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Schizazoid It means that Gonzalez just a ... that always tries to enforce his own views on others by portraying himself as more intelligent/moral than others, whereas it's far from true.
Go troll elsewhere, vampire, I know better what I meant, than you, and I've already explained it above, as long I provide arguments, nothing is enforced.
Schizazoid and here he is: out of the blue just insulting you, because you didn't say something about some silly gifs he didn't like, lol.
You're repeating the same crappy accusations Oo.er already said in his comment: LINK 1, and to which I already provided the reply: LINK 2, you are so stupid, go read it because I won't repeat myself twice.
Schizazoid about some silly gifs he didn't like, lol.
You're repeating yourself again, and looking again for a cheap excuse, this matter was already discussed in the previous thread, and I replied to you saying that this isn't just "some silly gifs he didn't like, lol." but disgusting NSFW shit that insults everyone and which should not be allowed, but you suffer from Coprophagia fetish, hence you defend such NSFW crap.
Schizazoid I bet gonzalez gonna write another shitpost with following messaging:"BACK AT IT AGAIN, POLLUTING OTHER THREAD? I'VE BEATEN YOU ALREADY!!!"
It's you who have written a shitpost, not me, and I don't even need to say why you did it, because you've already perfectly described it by yourself.
Schizazoid Guy is a clown. Unfunny one at that.
Says a clown to a mirror.
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Maybe the eagle head represents an actor? If that is the case and you are spawning one in chat diamond you should be able to set bHidden=True in the default properties of the actor and it shouldn't show anymore. That's my guess anyway.
@PepsiCola Try the following files (I am supplying both latest dll + .u files) and let me know.
It is exactly some visible actor on level with bHidden = false. Usually it is custom system stuff. This also can be not exact server actor, but some of it replicated copy to clients.
Ensure all your hidden system actors in defaults come as bHidden = true.
Ensure all not need replication actors use defaults RemoteRole - Role_None, even if it spawn on clients (this importance for demos).
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2 critical bugs: crashes and eagle have not appeared so far, but still the screwed window critical bug is still here, which makes the mutator unusable, thus until it's fixed, I hold off on testing.
About window off-screen, in github issue linked udemo issues of same sort. Which already solved by pull-request. So there can be look what done here. And use this idea for fix things, if they there similar.
Yeah I have been observing the issue and the fix (https://github.com/stijn-volckaert/udemo/pull/127) you wrote. Let me see if I can get familiarized first.