• Players
  • I dunno what to do with this but wanted to share anyway

So an hour or so ago we played on Musuimi ultimate or whatever that map is called and this guy "The_Shadow" suddenly started to accuse me of spamming entrances and whatnot. I did not, I was mainly mid shooting people and trying to grab if the flag room was not getting spawned. Then started to insult me in French and tried to ass me as much as possible if he saw me on the next map. How can people be this mad in iCTF for no reason

part 1

part 2

Also side thing, is there a plugin to filter out kill messages popping up or filter chat messages?

    The_Shadow is one of the biggest retards around, he's so retarded he makes me not look retarded. HE's been around for as long as I can remember and he's always been a really bad player just ignore him, makes him even more angry lol.

      • [deleted]

      Just tell him to go fuck himself - va te faire enculer -

      He keeps trying to push me as well... even though I already told him I'm not French he keeps speaking to me like I am or worse.. like if I gave a fuck about his problems.

      the_cowboy caliz was the biggest one

      Nah, caliz is just depressed creature that can't help itself but to whine all the time, give him a break 🙂
      Tho his meltdown last night on opel when he started bumping teammates with fire (shot me in the face like 10-15 times in a row on purpose), while being hilarious, started being bothersome. Shame, I didn't demorec it.

      Meira this mad in iCTF for no reason

      C'mon, the reason is simple: ppl tend to play sentry-bot style on poorly chosed maps - that's why 90-ish % of games
      is just boring af - that's kinda frustrating, hence the whining.

        Schizazoid True about that, way too much defense focussed players and poor choice of maps. No idea what can be done about that tho without turning the server into a "Unreal Killers" server.

          Meira what can be done

          At this point - nothing. There just not enough players to build a decent playing community that won't degrade into "hahaha, comboshot goes holyshit on respawn" or constant whining like caliz-like tantrums. Aside from good server setup (just try to play on netherland grapple ctf to see the difference), the lack of complex rules that atrificially inpair gameplay styles - one of the big reasons why ESU server is populated on evenings.
          Sad, really. but that's the reality of dead old games.

          Sounds like Shadow he use to play as Frela when he wanted to be a total asshole unless I'm confused. Cowboy you probably aren't totally innocent you were pissing me off earlier combo spamming your own flag on Joust, every time I spawned and had a clean shot lined up Cowboy bumped me. We all do shit that's gonna piss someone off.

          Well Oscar was camping inside middle sewers. I was trying to get the best angle to get my shock firepower inside those sewers without getting hit.

          How you want to interpret that is your own business. (who am I to question and force the democratic process). All I can SAY is kudos!!


          The language on the servers, in general, is shit...
          Great baguette remark btw... 😃

          the_cowboy The thing is Caliz's been around at least as long as I've been around and he's only recently changed for the worse, whereas The_Shadow has always been a retard.

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