Schizazoid: (...) sounds more like accusation. Your initial wording here is plain (...)
I only meant that players he defends, are considered botters for me and for several other players, I didn't say jerc does it on purpose (which doesn't mean he doesn't), he has a right to think they aren't botters.
Schizazoid: Hell, even post on hof that you linked contains (...)
Yes, this sounds like an accusation, but was written to someone else (to fleecey_{HoF}) who was defending someone else (Cardenas) which is one of the biggest and most obvious botter in galaxy.
Schizazoid: I'd have to quote almost everything you write, man. From "x defend y who is cheating and caught red handed",
Lol, "caught" it's a quote from OutForBlood, followed by a link, go educate what is a quote.
Schizazoid: to "he openly streamed himself cheating under his main alias
Because he did, lol.
Schizazoid: - that means he have malicious interest", while linking fucking troll-videos as a proof, lol
You said that (about "malicious interest" and "proof"), not me, try not to put your words in my mouth.
Schizazoid: . Or saying that "x blacklisted from servers" while linking not an actual information about ban on specific server., but a post from user,
Quoting, not saying, go complain to tha author: OutForBlood, not to me.
Schizazoid: who basically admits to abusing votekick-tool through multiboxing and wondering why he got banned, lol.
I didn't know that, "could you link an actual information about it" ?
jerc: The fact that Pepsi just had to bring up Babydoll leads me to believe Pepsi is OutForBlood just trying to stir up shit.
So you're projecting more and more...
Ooper: If you see a (...)
If you see a UK player with name Ooper, or one that gets 2x or 3x the kills of the best fair player in the team, or kills even better than many proven botters, then you know you've played with Ooper or a similiar player.
Ooper: or when he posts screenshots of him playing against novice bots from the fake player server
Not a bad tale/hypothesis, just that you didn't provide any actual link to the screenshoots.
Ooper: as proof that people are cheating.
He was playing vs botters, so he knows they are botters, also he recorded several videos of several botters as an additional proof, then he got bored wasting his time just to record all losers, as he actually preffered to spent his time playing a game, than recording losers and fighting with their defenders over forums.