Similiar to Actual cheater, ruffled_beaver also has been caught aimbotting yesterday on OPEL, watch VIDEO (especially at 1:07 - 1:10 as a solid proof of him cheating)

The guy is a botter in game UT99 on London server: he is too strong, shoots to everyone like to ducks, especially caught one moment, see at 1:07 - 1:10 as a solid proof of him cheating, thanks to his aimbot's bulit-in radar the botter is seeing trought an invisible wall, an opponent player coming, then the botter is moving crosshair precisely and aiming precisely and shooting a shock ball at exact time precisely, BEFORE the opponent's grapple hook and opponent appearing from behind the wall..., in other words: the botter is aiming and shooting precisely to invisible opponent, as if there was no wall OR as if the wall were made of glass...

    Do you always play with such a low frame rate or was it the recording software making your game lag super bad?

      Make up your mind is he botting or wallhacking?


        No, game and recorded video experience is usually smooth, so it must have been some single occasional accident, maybe it's the map, the server or the player who caused the jerking, I have no idea, anyway it's not big enough to get in the way of proving cheating, so let's try to focus on the matter.



        Another moron trying to prove something that doesn't exist. I think you forgot one more aspect that gives you a high probability of feeling and hitting your opponent without seeing him. I don't think I need to explain what it is.


          I know what you mean, you fucking moron, beause I and many players do same, but what is recorded in this video is very different from a typical situation of this kind, as the botter did it very accurately and at very exact time, including moving his crosshair up to the exact place, too many coincidences, only a moron like you wouldn't notice it, or a troll who sees it perfectly, but trolls and defends cheaters, you have been proven to be a troll on this forum, HERE, go troll elsewhere.

            We all know who Ruffle Beaver is and that some think he is cheating and some do not. BLAH BLAH BLAH "Defender of Cheaters" I defend the right of anyone NOT TO BE BANNED without PROOF. This guy makes it sound like some of us are Cheat Collaborators when all he posts as proof is worse than the Bigfoot footage shot on 8 mm.

            Lol, "NOT TO BE BANNED without PROOF", you must be joking because on one side you itch against posted demos which means you are expecting the "PROOF" to appear magically?

            If you think private messaging demos to snowguy (either are you psychic or snowguy must have told you privately) should result in proof, then I'd be careful putting all the eggs in one basket if I were you. Thankfully I am neither you or American.

            Yes you aren't American because we don't toss someone under a bus because its easier than posting actual proof. It's like people think posting a video of a demo with something they think they saw actually proves something. Wait you wanna hear something really funny guys like you that will use a proof less BAN as proof. Pitok, Baton, Ruffled Beaver whatever name he chooses that day should not be demoreced since you will never prove anything. LOL WTF you on about sending SnowGuy the demos? He is the Admin and the ultimate authority on who is getting banned. Cowboy I was wrong you don't seem to dislike England but all English speaking countries. In this case the American way is the only way (in every case actually). America you don't have to like us because we pretty don't much give a fuck if you do or not.

              Generalize all you want. You can't handle information so stop pretending you can comprehend all that. You Americans have lot of issues with gender lately. Have fun with that. If you don't learn even now, be prepared to for more such stupid issues where little of you do unspeakable things and I don't mean school shooting (man talk about tossing under bus), I mean transgenderism and competing with women. What a laughing stock your not-throw-in-fornt-of-bus-America.

              Yes I see now Beaver is a school shooting, transgender and secretly American. Why didn't you lead with that? He should be Banned right away. Yes you are right Cowboy transgender people are the greatest problem America has ever faced, I would send a letter to Biden warning him of this tranny tyranny but he probably has one on staff that would intercept it anyway.

              I have just noted (post #8), generalize all you want (perks of democracy) and make all the connections that I can't even imagine (how is Beaver related to school shooting?). You want more recent American issues? How about attack on Capital on Jauary 6 (ish) when civilians entered inside wearing animal skins. Boy that was fun not-throw-in-front-of-bus-Americans.
              And no this doesn't imply that Beaver wears animal skins.

              As I have already said, you can't handle all the information so stop pretending you are understanding that.

                PepsiCola If anyone has a problem, it's you, stupid Pole. You enter the forum like a hero of the oppressed. You're posting the same shit that has already been done many times. Besides, you must have something wrong under that skull because you describe everything so accurately as if you saw with your own eyes, sitting next to Mr. Beaver, how he uses cheats. Maybe OFB messed with your head by promising that she wants to sell herself to you. You forgot one thing, you don't have a visa.

                the_cowboy ...and you, Mr. Cowboy, I thought you were more serious as a programmer. What about these political references and this democracy? If someone is smart enough, he knows what democracy is all about and it does not bring anything good to the system. Why should two unemployed bums from the liquor store have more to say than one decent and working man? In addition, there are more and more lunatics in the world every year, as the data shows. In conclusion, it seems to me that you are somehow complexed, because in almost every post you publish, you refer to the fact that every other country is bad and yours is the best. If everyone could choose where they want to be born, there would be no problem.

                  yes player_0 sir, seems like you too have a mild pathology of terrible generalisation. Maybe you forgot the reference to Sir Issac Newton who was the product of England and so on (in fact I praised England and some stupid Britt was degrading my country, maybe you don't want to see that). Please note, if anything, I am trying to make people's flaws explicit, not that of specific Nation, which I believe is a solid enough concept. I live in a third world country which in may ways comes at last (health, standard of life and so on). Again I'd blame Indians and not India. And BTW, I did make a conscious decision to live in India. Getting green card could have been a kite flying for me 😃.

                  player_0 Why should two unemployed bums from the liquor store have more to say than one decent and working man?

                  I am sorry I fail to see your point. From what I have seen, extremely educated and well off people, especially some fake propagators of science teachers who do more harm, are the ones who should be more under scanner (evading taxes and what not). If that were upto me, I'd demolish all the liquor stores and start milk bars. Again that is my viewpoint and I don't want or even expect you to understand my viewpoint. That my dear friend is Democracy.

                    You really shouldn't be playing the game at 60fps anymore it's not 2003, it just makes playing more difficult for yourself, play a few games with uncapped fps to find your average fps and set your max fps close to your average fps to reduce the stuttering of fps fluctuating.

                    player_0: You enter the forum like a hero of the oppressed.

                    And you and jerc like heroes of the cheaters and all suspected players.

                    player_0: You're posting the same shit that has already been done many times.

                    It would be good if you provided the examples of posts / videos in this forum, with same thing spotted like in the video.

                    player_0: Besides, you must have something wrong under that skull because you describe everything so accurately as if you saw with your own eyes, sitting next to Mr. Beaver, how he uses cheats

                    And you and jerc say that every suspected players is clean, like you were sitting next to every suspected player, and knew & saw they don't cheat.

                      the_cowboy If you don't understand what I wrote, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm too dumb to argue with you. Also, I'm not the only one having trouble reading your posts on the forum. Maybe it would be better if you describe what is bothering you in c++ or blueprint. You think I care what you think? To me, you're a terribly arrogant buffoon and a nerd at that. Get used to these terms. Although it's probably not the first time you've heard it.

                        PepsiCola And you and jerc.... and you and he and they...... You are really Moron