Seems legit to me but then again you knew I was gonna say that.
Another day - another awesome player.
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Nicefu 101% cheater
I agree, for me abc is a obvious botter, I was playing vs him yesterday, he was shooting to me and to other players like to ducks, like Terminator, even from a far distance
By the way, expect now player_0 insulting and attacking you for you calling someone a cheater, like he did to me HERE
jerc Seems legit to me but then again you knew I was gonna say that.
You are a hero of the cheaters and suspectecd players. (a quote from player_0 ), you hijack every thread about "cheaters" and repeat like a broken-cd.
You guys should stop accusing everyone of botting without serious evidence, What evidence ? Some shitty demos where you can't see shit on , ..and you wasting my time.
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ESUOH Just because you are unable to recognize a botter, is your problem, so you want to say that there are no botters, only super-skilled players....a good story.
Can someone cut this kid's legs off?
And who are you as a player , yea big mouth do you have any aim yourself? tell me your gamingname? Yea cut them off best thing. and his hands so he stops spreading bullshit.
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Speaking about cutting someone's legs is a symptom of fucked-upness, it's time for you to contact a doctor, really.
I play the game several years already, I'm skilled enought to join a map and realise quickly there is one or more botters ruining the whole game, purely aimbotting, shooting everybody like ducks, having super-duper scores, especially on maps I played a million times in the past and whose I know like my own toilet in my house where i make shit for X years, it's so obvious that one must be retarded to not notice that, or must be a troll who wants everybody to think there are no botters, but only skilled pro-players. There is a cheaters advocate group on this forum, which tries to make others to think botters are skilled players. There is also a counter-group who tries to prevent it: Gonzales, Enraged_Noob, The_Cowboy, Schizazoid, Nicefu, OutForBlood, Nelsona and several others (sorry if I forgot to mention anyone).
We will not let be trolled !
He is a kido Gonzales. Big mouth and little balls if he has any.
About the movie:
At first glance, it looks like he has something on his conscience. I watched once at normal speed and some parts that looked suspicious to me at slower speed. The first thing I noticed is that his hits are not always counted, which may indicate that someone else hit. Besides, I wouldn't suggest those rays, which not only are delayed, but also obscure with their brightness and size his actual hits (I mean rays shot by other players). You will understand about the fragment that the kid reminded at 1:15 when you watch it at 1/4 speed (maybe not everyone ). In general, the film was recorded with a ping over 110ms and poor quality because you can hardly see some opponents on the other side of the football field.
ok dude , i think you need a dr.
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its all ok man , do what makes you happey
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Cool fairy tale: you saw me once with 40-50 frags because apparently I joined at the end of the game, but you're too stupid to notice that.... and I don't sit in corners the whole game, you exaggerate, I play the whole map too at least half of the time. So you both turned discussion in to lame trollposting thread.
Maybe he's botting maybe he isn't either way the Botting Hysteria needs to end its like some fucked up me too movement.
player_0 at 1/4 speed
1/4 makes everything legit. Try 1/2 at least.
player_0 a ping over 110ms
My general ping is 97 ms. Guy in question (and I at the moment) had 110-ish ms, iirs.
player_0 you can hardly see some opponents on the other side of the football field.
That's one of the points. Map is shitty by desing, and if you don't run some kind of brightskin tweak, then you'll have some problems identificating opponents. And abc is so skillful, that he doesn't have that problem.
player_0 his hits are not always counted
Using cheats =/= 100% accuracy. You have all sorts of thing interfering in registering hit: ping (yours and opponents), server tickrate, your parameter etc. But you know that arleady, don't you?
Besides, if you that fag juggling his aliases, you are not clean yourself, so fuck you, mate.
jerc Botting Hysteria
Look, I'm not saying that guy 100% botting, I'm implying it cuz I observe some strange patterns in his aiming, and I'm offering you demo to look at and encourage (somewhat) public discussion on that topic. That's the only valid way of detecting we players have.
At this point we have 2 choices: give up and let ppl cheat, or start banning ppl. (even those that just good aimers), otherwise, combogib will become ghosttown as all those ig-servers with strict rules you cried about here.
As I'm writing this comment I'm drunk, so, forgive me my spelling mistakes and fuck you, sincerely yours, Schizazoid.
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you have it backwards check the UK IG server sometime. You use to have to wait in line to play there now its empty 24/7 because they Banned or Warned off any player that kept up with the house IG pros.
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player_0 Can someone cut this kid's legs off?
Gamers use hands, and not legs, to play shooters, so I wonder why you speak about legs, which is illogical, now I know: you are disabled and got no legs, that's why you are so fucked up in internet, as only a disabled man without legs would say to cut off legs instead hands, go and vent somewhere else, you fucked-up invalid.