jerc Why is this guy (...)
Why is this guy "jerc" so obsessed with his thinking that no one cheats, and defending every suspected players in every thread all over the forum...also there are many similiar threads/comments on this forum about different players suspected cheating, so I'm not the only one.
the_cowboy (I personally have reached godlike in similar map, Egypt to be precise).
jerc I,ve gotten like 20x holyshit kills on Joust pretty regularly with a few wicked sicks that woulda rolled over into 2 if it reset and started over. Can a legit player get this score? Absolutely.
Great stories..., any links to the stats, any screenshoots? Or do you want anybody to believe these stories? Especially the one from "jerc", as I don't trust a troll. At least I provided stats and screenshoots of "player1", you provided only fairy tales, it's you who got no evidence, but it was me who has been accused of being the one who got no evidence, this is funny.
Also as for "player1", like I already have written, many players were complainging about him, also they were trying to vote-kick him, it's time to bring them to this thread.
Ooper He has a reputation for doing it,
Not calculating your % anymore, expert? You back to trash-talking now. Lol.
Still licking Ooper's ass? You like it, don't you,? It seems you two are gays.