• Players UT99
  • (cheater) player1 - and his huge number of frags/points

Yesterday, me and several other players noticed strange scores of "player1" on LONDON server, he got:

  • 521 frags / 1658 points in THIS MATCH (on nick "player1")
  • 690 frags / 1933 points in THIS MATCH (on nick "layer2")

He was accused already by many players of being a botter, also saw him being vote-kicked many times, and him being called a botter many times on the chat, I must agree, we got a botter here. I do realise Joust maps are kind of spammy/campy maps where you can get a lot of frags/points, but results the guy gets are insane even for such kind of map. A screenshoot of the match where he got 521 frags / 1658 points:

It's joust... You can get a holy shit(8 kills+) with a single combo.

You can get a combo into your ass, and here we go again, the shit-show must go on...Ooper, from Ooper & jerc Netflix Team can always find a fucking excuse for everything, now we waiting for jerc's opinion: "he is clean for me, but you know I've been going to say it". Wow.

Well he didn't say anything about botting / not botting. Just said that how easily multiple kills can be obtained in joust map. I appreciate that opinion (I personally have reached godlike in similar map, Egypt to be precise).

If players on the server were suspicious, maybe something to look into though.

    Gonzales not everyone is as bad as you are, you have to get that into that empty space between your ears.

    I think that guy is light, a weapons pug player, pretty sure he streams on twitch as well sometimes.

      the_cowboy Well he didn't say anything about (...)

      I know, but he strongly suggested.
      Also if it's so easy to get so many frags/points then why only "player1" achieves such results.

      Ooper: Gonzales not everyone is as bad as you are, you have to get that into that empty space between your ears.

      You say I am bad compared to who? To "player1", like everybody else is bad compared to him...so you say everybody is bad. Now look at my place on the scoreboard you fucking retarded idiot & troll, I am at 3rd/4th place out of 16 players, and 2nd/3rd excluding this "player1". Now take a wheel and fuck yourself in the head. Try to troll more smartly next time.

      Ooper Thats not wiggo/light , player1 is a suisse player.

      And yea you just suck as a player gonzales . Just stop making everyday a new post about cheaters because you suck.


        Compared to who ? To "player1" ? Read my comment above - I explained this nonsense, you're just stupidly repeating Ooper's trash-talk, so I don't even need to make a new argumentation, you can read my previous comment. Or maybe compared to you? Don't make me laugh.


        In none of your claims have you stated why and compared to who, I see another thread being converted by trolls, to a lame trollposting thread, in which you can trow a shit at someone, and this is called a pure trolling.

        Now this ticking time bomb is going to explode...

        Anyway I've noticed lately there are more and more players connecting via vpn or similar.

        The ticking bomb is the truth how many botters are on the server.
        Me and group of fair players, just try to clean out the server out of shit to be playable.
        And it's not easy, because it's expected that trolls will try to sabotage any effort, they will turn every thread in their personal lame trollposting thread vs those who create such threads.

        I saw your game. Even CALIGULA is better than you.😂 I'm also a noob, but do you want to catch a cheater with your experience? (SBT exception)

          Do you play fair ? cmon man don't make me laugh , you just camp all game , As a ctf-player you are worth 0 .

            If I had the same feelings as the errand boy and then it would go on and on. I would come to the conclusion that I must be misunderstanding something and I would not contribute, or I do not fit in at all.


            You saw a shit in your ass, you cherry-picked a single unknown game I know nothing about and based on that created a comparision to a single player, and then you created your funny out-of-context statement/opinion based on this shit, now this is really a pure trolling, if you do analyse each player like this, you must be an expert lol, I can do the same about you or ESUOH but I'm not a troll. Now could Ooper, ESUOH and Nicefu, player_0 fuck off of me and stick to the topic, or they are going to convert another thread into another lame trollposting shit-thread, where they throw their shit at somebody. Now this is not nice, 4 trolls trolling and personal attacking 1 guy, this has a name: hate speach.

              ESUOH Do you play fair ? cmon man don't make me laugh , you just camp all game , As a ctf-player you are worth 0 .

              You repeating the same shit again like a broken CD, like you did HERE, despite I already addressed it HERE.
              Not saying how many other players camp / spawnkills, but you are only accusing me of this, because I sometimes do same what other players do, but only Gonzales is bad... I see angry kids crying in this thread, they are so great, and Gonzales is so bad. Wow.

              I don't like that guy, but c'mon, high score on joust is not something out of ordinary (just find good angle and spam combos on spawn). And screenshot of scoreboard as a proof? It's laughable. That kind of "proofing" only damages your cause - no wonder why people brush off possibility of cheating even when they play against actual botter or when they watch (or claim to have watched) demos.