Schizazoid My previous message literally contains fresh example.
Okay, I missed your example, because I:
- either missed your colon " : " at the end of your sentence or I confused it with a dot " . "
- which caused me to thinking you stopped at that point,
- especially given a fact that you replied to your quoted example right below the example
- I mean I read comment like it was looking like: [quote & reply] [quote & reply] [quote & reply]
- wherein it has turned out to be: [quote & reply] [ quote & reply : & quote & reply ]
- it's like when one is programming and has missed a char or has been thinking it has been a different char, and then he has pressed Compile button, and his program has compiled without any warnings, as a result he has got a working app with a hidden bug he is not aware of, until some users (in this case: you) will report it to the issue tracker or tell the author about the bug, or when his app will crash or give strange results, such bugs/mistakes are easy to make, but hard to catch.
So I made a small gramatical mistake when reading your comment - I just overlooked a single char - a fucking colon, which caused me to understand your comment wrongly, which is just like doing a typo when writing, only that it was when reading in this case, and a typo was a reason enough for you to immediately laught at someone or call him names.
Now my hypothesis:
- either you are too stupid to figure out that my misunderstanding of a part of your comment was due to me missing a fucking colon in your comment
- or you are a clown, who lacks better arguments, than typos in reading/writing, to laught and call names at somebody, despite everybody, including you, makes typos from time to time
What is even more funny is that even despite a fact now I'm aware of your example, your example is a manipulation / trolling:
Schizazoid: idiocity PepsiCola : The idiocity is yours circus on wheels
Why? Because it doesn't contain arguments, you simply pulled a small part of my statement out of context, and by this manipulation you were trying to make my reply look like deflecting to you reply, but my full statement is longer and contain arguments, stop trolling / manipulating / trying to prove I deflect your messages, because I already proved it's you who invented Ping-Pong.
Schizazoid It literally is. Just because you didn't write it again but linked previous comment doesn't change the nature of your joke of an "argument".
Stop trolling and manipulating, you have modified my statement, the arguments are real/valid and the fact that I expressed them in a humorous way does not mean that they lose their validity, you have confused real arguments expressed in a humorous way, with a joke without arguments.
Schizazoid : You basically shat your pants and to people noting that you yell that it's their pants stinks, not yours - and claim this kind of behavior as "valid argumented point of view".
Stop trolling and manipulating, you have modified my statement, like I said: the argumentation is already in one of my previous comments, no need for me to copy & paste it here again, instead you go back and read my previous comments, and your example with pants is a perfect example of what you do, and not me, you are the genius who invented Ping-Pong.
Schizazoid : "I don't deny my posts are stupid" - says Gonzalez, after saying that his posts are not stupid. Lmao.
Stop trolling and manipulating, you have modified my statement, I said: "some of my posts"
Schizazoid : You literally did not. You just posted incoherent rant about "ping-pong" and "projections". But the thing is: all of this applies to your own behavior and words.
Stop deying the truth, and cherry-picking my comments, it's not only about it, because in many threads, in many comments, many times I just beat you and your buddies on arguments easily.
And stop your bullshit and rants about my Ping-Pong comment being "a bs" or "a rant", because like I already said: my Ping-Pong contains arguments, and when you call it "a bs" o "a rant" you didn't provide any counter-arguments, stop calling names, start providing arguments, or shut up.
And where is the argument here? I see deflecting / Ping-Pong:
PepsiCola: It benfits mostly you, because (the argument): you talk more than all your buddies combined together
Schizazoid: Nah, it would benefit all equally, because (the argument): oh, holy shit ! there is no argument, only an empty space
But then you say it's me who is deflecting, no mam, you are the genius who invented Ping-Pong 🤣
"buddies" was half-jokingly said
Schizazoid : - "they" just saw you for what you are and proceeded to either replying in a fitting manner or ignoring your spectacle of clownish stupidity altogether.
They just saw me beating you on arguments, so they came to rescue you, hence why "buddies". 🤣
Schizazoid : Then why you still here and responding?
Because you are writing to me all the fucking time, despite I told you already 10 times to stop? 🤣
Our conversation was over, the thread was over, and I just pasted a video as a joke - nothing to which anyone should respond other way than sticking emojis or by short comments related to the video only, but then your double / duplicate: oOo replied with his private vendetta towards me, and then replied with some crap to me trying to help you, but I beat them quickly, then jerc replied, but I only replied to his comment by sticking an emoji, and then you ressurected afterwards from the grave like a vampire / zombie and continued. 🤣
Schizazoid : So, let me get this straight: you quoted me on childish reflecting and proceeded to do just that: childish reflecting, again? Twice in a row, wow.
No, I just sent you back to my previous comments which contain arguments to which you still didn't refer.
Schizazoid : And it still stands and holds up pretty well.
I think it's a time to do a dontaion for a time machine for you that you can travel back in time to read my previous comments and arguments properly 😃