
The moment you wait for dad to finally switch all the circus power back home to play UT

Well, well. I will thank you, I'm not interested, but I didn't think you were a person of such wide interest. Did you model the colors of the graphic design on the curls you had in the photo above?

    I don't want to hurt you, but boys are not my interest. If you had any hopes for this, I'm sorry.
    Unfortunately, such is life, we usually don't get what we want the most right away.
    ...but I must say that you are a well-read person.
    So, I wish you good luck in finding your love.

    That's so hilarious, I can't even laugh no more: Gonzalez on his "righteous" Clown Crusade keeps hitting himself in the face and calls it a victory.

      I'm thinking its impossible for Gonzales not to get the last word just let him have it.

        jerc I'm thinking

        Don't think too much, because others may think you got a brain.

        jerc its impossible for Schizazoid not to get the last word just let him have it.

        Yes I agree, that's your gay friend's, Schizazoid's behaviour, which I already described here: LINK , and in several other threads as well, it's called Ping-Pong, he invented this game.

        • jerc replied to this.
          • [deleted]

          oh shit it's still going.. I hope Ooper will save this thread because it's becoming garbage 100%, also sbt and creep are not cheating same for hussar, have a cigar and wacko

            PepsiCola I'm pretty sure that's not function of the quote feature.

            Not gonna do it! The name does make me wanna look but I fell for tubgirl once back early days.

            I recommend you don't look at pictures of it in a packed Bus/Train, from the description I thought against looking at pictures lmao.

            • [deleted]

            From the title I expected some amish bro getting smothered in good ol' american muscle car oil and his eyes start pissing oil until he dies kinda disappointed ngl
            You're into some nasty shit Ooper tho holy LOl

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