Oh and Rankin DM if they made one.

Admin Edit: Removed troll food and removed completely off-topic reply.

7 days later

I still troll from time to time.
I would love to help remake some maps. Just shoot me a list and hope they have the org designer in the read me. I like to ask permission. I pulled away from the server for a while. All the spawn killing takes my stress level to new heights.

  • jerc replied to this.

    The spawnkilling has reached new heights too , seems its all about that now.

    I understand you x-cell , you are a ctf-player..

    But nothin different then i allready new , the world is fulls of dorks.

      i don't use a translator , maaybe better should 🥳

      ESUOH the world is fulls of dorks.

      this comes under democracy. 🙂
      so what if dorks rule the world?
      ...and intelligent people, because they are a minority, have to agree to it?

      They rule the world the dorks , thats why it goes so well.

      It's just ridiculous that we have to promote spawnkilling 🙂 Too much people get fucked up by the spawnkilling , but its all good.

      But just by allowing it , you just say spawnkill as much as you want . so

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