UDP was the key word. Then I immediately remembered openvpn, which offers both protocols, TCP and UDP. I quickly downloaded openvpn and bluntly threw in a freely accessible server via UDP connection and lo and behold 0% packet loss!

Of course, there is no need to talk about the ping and the remaining quality of the connection 🙂 It's not that great, but you can still take your time looking for a good server. In any case, the fact is that the ACE check now also works perfectly via UDP and you only have very very few 2-3% to 0% packet losses. I think it would also be worth testing for everyone else.
All you need:
1.) The OpenVpn Client
2.) Search at google: free openvpn server
As I said, I just clicked on the first best link in the search and created a config for server access and it worked. Good luck to the rest