Good from you that you want to help the noobs , and good that you have become the aimer you are now , from a noob a year ago , to a good aimer.
I think its important that people have control of their mouse , and not that the mouse controls them. Too much people play way to high mousesensitivity. Some can handle the high sens , but most of them can't.
So just find a good mousesens that fits for you , so you can do a easily 180° . Some of them can do a 720 easily lol .
If you want to get better lower the mousesens . And fov is rly personal , i play most of the time fov 90 on 1080 , Big maps set fov to 80-85. If you like more action use fov 100-110.
The higher the fov the lower the mousesens.
If you want to get better you can spectate some good aimers , see how they play.