how to install? enter commands in console or use attached files.

1) ..
set input MouseX Axis aMouseX Speed=6.75
set input MouseY Axis aMouseY Speed=3.25

this will lower sensitivity for up & down movement only. (excludes left & right movement)
you should generally aim for legs to achieve higher hit rate.
this will help you aim for legs easily & steadily (defaults are 6.0 & 6.0)
will improve your aim greatly.

2) settings I use:

Direct3D9 // 800x600 (oldschool) // FOV 80 // Sensitivity 0.16 // mouse DPI 1200
(if you use 1920x1080 - the organic FOV is 106.26)

I turn left / right with Q & E (so i can keep sensitivity very low & steady)

Aliases[4]=(Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=-450.0",Alias="TurnLeft")
Aliases[5]=(Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=+450.0",Alias="TurnRight")

set shockbeam lifespan 0.05
set shockbeam drawscale 0.10

this will make you SEE THINGS MUCH CLEARER.
and will improve your aim obviously...
attached cmds.txt -- use exec cmds.txt in console -- after you run UT
before & after photos attached

nobody will tell you this............................. obv
thank me later & never let ut die ... kkbye

    Playing with the beam changed might get you kicked from pure severs.


      jerc i have nice tip for life.. (not UT)

      Men must go after what they want.
      Be more aggressive in your pursuits.
      Stop playing by the rules.

      Good from you that you want to help the noobs , and good that you have become the aimer you are now , from a noob a year ago , to a good aimer.

      I think its important that people have control of their mouse , and not that the mouse controls them. Too much people play way to high mousesensitivity. Some can handle the high sens , but most of them can't.

      So just find a good mousesens that fits for you , so you can do a easily 180° . Some of them can do a 720 easily lol .

      If you want to get better lower the mousesens . And fov is rly personal , i play most of the time fov 90 on 1080 , Big maps set fov to 80-85. If you like more action use fov 100-110.

      The higher the fov the lower the mousesens.

      If you want to get better you can spectate some good aimers , see how they play.

      Shotygun 4)
      set shockbeam lifespan 0.05
      set shockbeam drawscale 0.10

      Great, what are the default values? 😁

        After completely exiting the game, the values return to default. If you want to check what the default values are, the next time you turn on UT, enter these commands in the console:
        get shockbeam lifespan
        get shockbeam drawscale

        ...and for those who don't know.
        We only enter this commands in the UT console in offline mode before entering any server. Typing during the game will have no effect, and it is better not to clutter the server with unnecessary logs.

        Always back up unreal tournament in before fooling around with settings.

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