Thanks for breaking my game lol Had to reinstall the all game after patching to 469d. Every 15 minutes my game went crazy. It kept swapping between translocator and shock rifle and jumping around without me pressing the jump button. Then when I tried to quit the game it wouldn't let me click on any menu functions. Had to ctrl alt and del =(
Serious question though what are your settings for input(raw input, direct input, cursor)
Ooper hi I have it on direct input
If you haven't already try raw input, the direct input version is newer then 436 but it's still quite old(DirectX8).
As of 2011 Microsoft no longer recommends using DirectInput for keyboards or mice
Always put it on Raw Input. I'm not sure in what patch it was, but it could also be in 469d where the Direct Input is not accurate or broken. And well, always remember to backup your files before applying a patch or overwriting files