If I can, I will join the group of martyrs and delights as well as the asexual. π
I think if that were the case, someone would have to prove their innocence without the prosecution's evidence. Then anyone could accuse anyone of using cheats.
For example. Caligula lost and got pissed off mercilessly at Pissedofpistol because he was hit in the back 10 times in a row when he ran to his only camping position. π. Well, Pissedofpistol isn't the only one who annoys Caligula. A case when after the tenth respawn the Fat Machine manages to break the Backshooter from the ticks, but Sad_but_true enters the server. Caligula is immediately transferred to the other team, where he cannot find himself because he shoots CoroNer from his own team. CoroNer crouched in the corner of the map like a crusader spider, had almost had a GODLIKE if Caligula hadn't betrayed him, through his recklessness, boosting CoroNer to the center of a vast map where he died. CoroNer would have a GODLIKE for the second time in his life and he cannot forgive Caligula. A skirmish between two barbarians begins. However, their place of battle was within the Uccello_del_cazzo firing range. This one smashes the ball between them ... .... and unfortunately Caligula simply loses the game. This map is a great life failure for him. His bad mood got even worse when he thought about not texting in chat: WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ... and it's over.
OK, let's focus on the main character. On Caligula.
Three players pissed him off: Pissedofpistol, Sad_but_true, CoroNer and Uccello_del_cazzo. Caligula wants to thank them and writes a complaint to the administrator about each of them. By coloring emails that each one uses a cheat. From this it follows that they have to provide the admin with evidence that they are not using any hooks. It's not about what they would deliver, but what confusion would start to do and how much time an admin would have wasted. Besides Caligula, there are other crazy players too. π