Indeed I hid behind the flag in Joust (the one that has a statue behind the flag) and a higher FOV could possibily allow to see me....
Well in ThornsV2 there's a hidden room in the map, covered by wall texture. When I'm inside (and I'm not at the border), no one can see me (only if you know the secret you can speculate that I'm inside). And even if you think that I'm inside, you need A LOT of luck to shoot to the fake wall and hit me at first shot as I can be in the middle of the room, left or right... I know that if I shot from inside the room, you can see my shot and locate me.. So In sbt case, I was not shooting, I was completely hidden, and still sbt shoot to the fake wall and hit me every single time with one shot only. (several times... not only once or twice)
So either he's using an aimbot, or a hack to see thru textures.
No.. I don't record games..