No I disagree with you jerc. I've played against high skilled players, there is definitely something off about this guy, just doesn't seem natural. As a fact many others have noticed that guy is full of shit.
Sad but true
Ooper If you think so, it's a waste of time then I don't understand what you are contributing to? In order for the server to lose popularity? Also, instead of feeling sorry, share the cheats you mention with the admin. I think he will let you test it. Feel free to. The more data, the sooner it will be possible to tell if your overzealous actions on the forum (not only here) make sense.
I already shared the cheat source code with AnthraX, the guy who makes ACE, and ACE can't detect it. He knows about these types of cheats, the problem is stopping them without causing negative affects in performance to players. I may have misworded something and missed other stuff out, but that's the gist of the problem.
And even if ACE can detect them, you could use another computer/device to do a similar thing, and be undetectable on the computer the player is using. Cheating is easy, stopping cheating is not.
Ooper I don't think cheating is easy, otherwise there would be a lot of cheaters and you wouldn't be able to get rid of them. By the way, you are contradicting yourself. You're not rational. I wrote to you that you could share it with the admin of this server, because the more people are working on it, the better and faster the "mystery" could be solved. You also already write that you sent Anthrax and that the ACE can't detect it ... because maybe there's nothing there?
In my opinion, you are making propaganda like the Kremlin for its own citizens... I'm sorry, but I can't put it otherwise.
Cheating is easy, majority of people just choose not to.
For clarification, I am not replying directly to Ooper, because it doesn't make sense, apparently his sentence must be the last one.
Mr. Ooper has all the answers, only it is possible that he made a small mistake or missed something in unraveling the mystery of the mysterious "sad but true". He stated that he would hand over the "case" to Mr. AnthraX - who obviously knows about such cheaters (I do not deny it) but he cannot help, because he does not know why, but it is possible that it is due to the lack of time :/ Mr. Ooper and his upper crust have been exploring such topic for several years. They can't explain what it's really about, but they come to the conclusion that they will try to convince the main admins of all UT servers to give him a perm ban. For what? For the fact that the whole staff of programmers (according to Ooper and others like him) cannot unravel the accuracy of Mr. Pitok, but of course the source code was sent only it got lost somewhere. Mr. Ooper thinks that everyone who plays on this server are children and/or stupid, and maybe even worse, he is convinced of it, so he writes some nonsense on the forums and tells everyone that CHEATING IS EASY. Maybe all this is beyond him and his ego does not allow it, so he is allowed to manipulate people.
The thing about sad_but_true is he has been caught cheating on the London server with a bright skin cheat, and I'm guessing that guy is him posting.
Why should I have a problem with him? I know him. He always talks and writes without thinking about the consequences. I mean saying cheating is easy and boasts some cheats for as long as I can remember. Besides, where's the logic? It's not that he wrote it, just who wrote it. Mr. Ooper among his group of friends and among younger players who do not know him (yet) can be respected and with such statements, of course, he potentially encourages young people to hack and their own friends to confirm that Sad but true deserves a ban without having any evidence. . And that's all
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okay , my view for sad but true is , that i got the feeling that he cheats (not every game , only those bigfragjumps on the scoreboard then he does it, my thought). I don't like to say that because he always said to me that he doesn't . But those one shot kills are just to crazy and to often . I got good aim if i want and i could never do that . I always backed him but i don't know it anymore .. im gonna give an example of a game yesterday ::: After 12min we both had 120frags , i ended the game with 185 frags and sad ended the game with 305 frags thats 185 frags in 8minutes . people can make you crazy , sorry sad if im wrong but thats my feeling...........
ESUOH It's nice that someone finally continues the topic normally. But I will correct what Mr. Ooper wrote.
Yes, it is true that the hero of this post used brightskin tweak, this is official news, but a colleague above had to tighten the screw. No, it's not a cheat as he said, it's a tweak. Colloquial difference.
I don't want to write who I am, but the admin of this forum probably knows
I want to warn you that I am not here as a defender of Mr. Sad or anyone who has anything to do with some cheats or not. I look at it objectively.
Esuoh or housE, I know what you wrote may be irritating not only for you but for most players. I'd like you to look at it from a different angle. First of all, try to play some pug (maybe you've been playing, I don't know). Not one but several matches so that you can play against different players. You will find that either most of them are cheating or that you are so good that others will keep an eye on you. Then all your movements, shots and even where you live and what you eat will be monitored. There will be some who will pretend to be your friends, so that you will only consciously or not consciously reveal to them something to cling to. Whatever the point is, the skill over there is really incredible at times. Secondly, maybe you believed what I mentioned in the previous thread, the propaganda that Mr. Ooper with starters
love to do the most. Basically (no offense) the flat-earthers don't believe in the roundness of the earth either, because they are fed on nonsense. Maybe Mr. Sad sometimes gives a head start, and when someone enters the stage with a similar skill, he is just starting to play? One thing is noticeable that very often, at the beginning of the game, Mr Pitok's team loses flag after flag. Only he starts playing when time is up or a critical number of flags captured by the opponent. And most importantly
Is he cheating? ..... I really don't know, maybe yes, maybe not. There is no evidence for this, so even if he were, I would have to congratulate him on the awesome, undetectable, unique code he wrote. In my opinion, then it would be a waste of time for him, sitting in front of the computer and pecking at the keys having such a talent.
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player_0 i always said, why would you cheat if you got the aim he does , its not bad aim. But cheating is maybe addictive , i wouldn't know i never used it. Im not saying he is because you need proof , i hope he isn't and that he is as good as he shows but For me the yesterday game , seen from my view , it was weird.. the sudden difference in frags - not that i was playing bad. i played against all topplayers in the past but this is just different. Got no good feeling about it.
So he cheats and you know it, wasting our time here.
He is for sure a talented player , what players always saying that hes totally noob are the noobs themselves i guess. Can more people give an explanation , about your thoughts and how you guys seeing him as a cheat , how you guys experience games? Because just saying HES CHEATING is to easy and too cheap.
The real question is why doesn't he come clean, stream his games or share demos to prove if his innocence, instead of shitposting here and writing nonsense.
i heard complaining at least 30people about him but none have found evidence so far , then you guys should if your 100% convinced. -im not taking demos , and sad is not my biggest problem.