Heyy @bustacell can you sync the beat of the songs with the hit of the combo ball?
That would create a very enjoyable viewing experience!

Scene: Blue needs one more cap to win.
Action: somasup does multikill near capture and saves red by hair's breadth
Grand outcome (certainly a factor, amongst some): Red wins 7 : 6 (RAW video)

Anywhoo, does anyone want to recommend a good video editor. Adobe Premiere Pro is too pretentious and snobby for my needs.

    the_cowboy Anywhoo, does anyone want to recommend a good video editor. Adobe Premiere Pro is too pretentious and snobby for my needs.

    See here 🙂

    I wonder if the admin will ever update that server to 469, 451 servers just feel awful to play on compared to 469 with modern ACE.

    The guy in the thumbnail his eyes are fucked up is that Cortez? 😉

    @bustacell I keep thinking how it will be UT with Axol & The Tech Thieves - Bleed 🎶 (free music)
    If you wish. No pressure ❤️

      Nicefu Do you have the track available? On their site it looks like they accidentially linked the instrumental version twice and I cannot browse any suspect sites atm to get it from elsewhere 😬

        7 days later

        Impressive combo launch on duku starting around 1:10 👍️ It's hard to get that one right without making the FC hit their head on the roof. Not to mention, you were able to time the dodge and detonate off-center of the player while still getting the correct trajectory. 💰

          Thanks for the feedback! 🙂
          I wish I could say (without lying) that it happened on purpose and can be repeated at will 😬