How can you enable shock rifle beam and ball visuals shown in this Twitch video?
This would be probably huge improvement to see other players better over the old way.
Doesn't work for me.
set shockbeam lifespan 0.05 Property LifeSpan cannot be modified. set shockbeam drawscale 0.10 Property DrawScale cannot be modified.
Ok, got it working need to enter before entering server.
Never knew you could do this. Let us know how you find it!
i tried it before , its like playing on the UKserver. i didn't liked it , but i will give it another try 🙂 Only yahiro's secondary fire is different , then you need another adjustment , but thats harder to install.
I tried it few games now, I think it will give some kind of edge in crowded fights where lots of shooting is taking place. It feels much cleaner to spot targets.
anyway to make these settings to be permanent? every time start UT, these 2 settings are reverted to default..
Yes sure. Tape 3 time "permamentus permamantus permawantus" in console.
save your UT or only ini before http://medor.no-ip.org/index.php?dir=Tweak/
you can found tweak for shock ... for set it just open the console and put the order like : exec shock
ow thanks medor , works nice 🙂
The ut version I am using is zkyp's ut from UTCTF.pug Discord with some minor changes. It's like a standard ut for the CTFnw community.
Maybe an already set ut ready for the combogib servers would be nice (?). Just a suggestion.
Just clone your install add the mod to that you can literally run it from a folder anywhere. Keeps you from being accused in the pug anyway.