I didn't want to say too much publicly about the cheater that this thread has been started for but to avoid further speculation I will mention a few things. First, the only reason this cheater is able to play at all is because he is not installing ACE when joining. This means he gets kicked at the ace check timeout repeatedly until I block his IP address. This makes it very easy to spot in the logs and usually by the time anyone has reported it I have already blocked him. Because he was only returning every 2 weeks, the priority to install another tool to stop him was a little lower than other things I've been working on but now I plan to take care of that very soon.
drunken_fool I think this is the bot they are using since it got updated in 2022.
ACE already stops this cheat. I have seen it tried on the server already. Thankfully, one has to do more than just rename a cheat to get past ACE.
I don't think jerc is actually serious when accusing fOx in game. I believe he is just trying to get under his skin. If I'm wrong about that post up those demos jerc.
Anyway, both fOx and the orange guy are well known and long time Insta and PUG players. I won't reveal the orange guys real player name because he has chosen to use an alias for now. It's just a simple fact that there are some players that have better aim than the majority on the server because they have played with better players for a long time and have adapted to it.
Today, the UK Insta server had players again which I haven't seen for a while. I urge anyone who feels the combogib server is full of cheaters to play on the Insta server for a while when you find it with players. It will improve your aim. If you really want a challenge seek out some PUG games but do everyone a favor and drop back by the public servers from time to time to help keep the game alive.
To be clear, I'm not saying that the combogib server is 100% cheat free but if there are cheaters playing they are very few. For anyone you suspect, please post demos or videos.