Ann0ying Thanks! got him.
hes there again with the name 'goodgaem' )
ESUOH Thanks
ESUOH He join on my VCTF server recently. And mess with bots. He really think they real players. They not labeled as bots and have ping. So he spent some time on kill them with aimbot and write in chat something like "pwned", "try better noob" and so on. He do this near 15 minutes. After left. Return later. Same stuff. This happen few times more. Each near 5 minutes.
Got him again.
Must have ran out of Vodka again.
Most of the time he dissapears after 2games , !! good !!
he's there again... goodgaem or p0wner
edit: he's actually copying our nicknames
Yeap... he was just there 2 min ago using several nicks and .pa at the end. We kicked him several times but he always comes back.
He came back again...
On it thanks.
snowguy no hardware ban ?
Nicefu Pretty sure hardware bans weren't a thing til ut2003 it used a cd key along with the hardware to make a global user id course i'm pretty stoned right now might have just made that up. 😆
He can rejoin in a game where hes being kicked , i didn't knew.
ESUOH All you have to do is change IP for the mapvote kick and re-join the same match.
jerc You can easily change it in the registry for ut2004, people have to do it I think for the GOG version because it only uses one cd key instead of unique keys, and people get caught in other peoples bans because of it.
He's back on the server again.
Might be an idea to give a player that's on the server a lot temporary admin to boot the guy if he pops up like esh.
Ooper Might be an idea to give a player that's on the server a lot temporary admin to boot the guy if he pops up
What about Woman idi? 🙂
yeah... this is getting a bit boring now
i think snowguy thinks , i gonna kick everyone 🙂 rofl.
ESUOH Are you saying you wouldn't? 🥸
snowguy Maybe better not 🙂 but i wouldn't ban without permission 🙂