Thank you
I admit that initially when I started playing on the iGib Combo I didn't liked it at all. It was mostly a spam fest but with time I came to really enjoy it until I totally abandoned the "normal iGib" servers.
People were free to play as they wish without any major rules or admins kicking/banning you because they were:
1: In a Bad Mood
2: You overpowered them
3: You cannot defend on certain maps but you can on others which was totally WTF to me... and the main reason was because on those Maps some Admins/Admins friends were super strong so they basically were target practicing knowing other player didn't stand a chance... yes Woot mainly 😉
4: You are from a country they don't like (meaning you are not either Dutch or English or German)
5: You are not part of their friend's list so any slip would be punished automatically
6: If you didn't grabbed as much as they wanted then you would be laming according to them and Ban/Kick
I got tired of all of those rules that in some places were totally arbitrary (depends on the Nick they saw) and just stopped going to those servers... with time I kept noticing that those servers were dying really fast until they are now a totally Ghost Town... yes I'm talking about Unreal Killers mostly.
There's nothing wrong with rules, as long as they are for EVERYBODY and EVERYBODY likes them. When you don't you stop going there. It's like going out to a Club, cant stand the environment? Then don't go again. I cant stand some of the maps chosen on Combo Gib server, so I just leave and re-join later , its simple 🙂
To all those that go to the Combo and say this is not CTF, well not its not like the old CTF , but feel free to then go play on servers were that "old CTF " still is played... oh but there aren't any, but that's not Combo Gib players fault is it?