Ann0ying when I'm hidding he passes in front of me and does not see me

Ann0ying Other thing that I do to try out the cheaters it to lay down faking dead and see if the cheater kills me

May I ask how this relates to aimbot? 🙂

Because if he is using a bot what looks like a stray shot is gonna find ann0ying.

Oh I forgot I shoot empties just in case cant be too careful lol 😃


tbh if he is actually cheating he wouldnt want to make it that obvious. however even if you hide it doesnt guarantee that if someone sees you theyre actually cheating, sometimes the gun of your player model sticks out of your hiding spot and you get spotted for example... all of this is map dependent of course

ESUOH at the time seeya was the uk admin an banned him. we both watched him in spec and were in discord voice talking about it. here's all his UK stats

in 45 matches he was able to get a 47% acc in total. i'm also pretty sure he's baTon who got banned years ago on the UK server for doing the same shit. he has the same skin and flag as baTon.

    andstaydown Baton is the same guy yea , i see 61eff and 43acc on stats. And 47 acc weapon summary , i dont even know what acc means 🙂 What you want to say with this stats , that this are cheatstats? 61 is not that crazy , i try to understand 🙂

    But if you guys say he was triggering and banned for it i will believe you , what can i do 🙂

    Same shit different story all andstaydown has proved is they banned him without any actual proof. Uk server just full of aliasing pros who don't like nobody out playing them .

    The "average accuracy" for utstats is not accurate for profiles, only matches where players' have not reconnected are accurate.

    What the site displays

    15176 Shots	6716 Hits 	47.65%

    "Real stats based on the weapon numbers"

    15176 Shots	6716 Hits       44.25%

    But if you look at the bottom 2 games, 26% accuracy, 24% accuracy, then almost a month later 43% and then 55.88% accuracy and then that's his new normal. Only obvious thing that would cause a massive improvement would be hardware upgrade, otherwise that's suspicious.

      I played and spected the guy "have_a_cigar" sometime. I think he playes well, he knows where to do in every map and how to do. In chat he told his team when he played a lot of times ago, was a team that played clanbase opencup and sometimes eurocup.

      playing CB doesnt mean you're legit lol a lot of cheaters were banned over there too


        Obviously not certain 100%, but to me he doesn't seem to cheat, this is my impression.

        5 days later

        This guy must be laughing his ass off with the contents of this thread.
        He knows that he's on the a watchlist, being watched all the time so he won't cheat blatantly. It's obvious (whatever he has) can turn it on/off. For months I could barely kill this guy. The other day I killed him like 5/6 times in a row (loli)
        Some of us have been playing for more than 10/15 years, and we can obviously see when someone is triggering/cheating.
        Plus he is a known cheater, and his previous clanmates talked about him and the fact he send them all cheats aswell (lmao).

        Oh well

          Kurogane 🙂 Maybe he laughs , maybe not , Maybe he cheats , maybe not , But you know for a ban they need proof. If someone got proof ? proof from now not from years ago 🙂

          i have said that a bunch of time this guy was free as fuck years ago I used to farm him on the daily now if I kill him enough times he gets frustrated and i cant spawn for the entire game

          8 months later

          I have played today several games vs have_a_cigar and this guy is 200% botter, just like HumaK said in his comment: LINK: "This is as obvious as a cheat gets.":

          • he respawns, and he immediately turns XX degree and aim & hit you instantly with a single shot, like he knew your position 10 ms after he has respawned, even before seeing an opponent on his own eyes
          • he flies in the sky, and he immediately turns XX degree and aim & hit you instantly with a single shot
          • he jumps out of a wall or you jumps out of a wall, and the turns XX degree instantly and aim & hit you instantly with a single shot, like he knew where you are
          • he does such thnigs often, and not only ocassionally like other good players
          • jerc replied to this.

            maybe you are too slow and in the wrong place when he hits you
            I'm not a good player but you can hit him and if I call everyone a cheater like you do it makes me wonder if I want to play on the server at all or even play the game at all
            You seem to me like in a neighborhood where there is always someone who has something to complain about

            nothing for ungood

              Bla bla bla, you have your opinion, I stay at mine, I know that this shit is a botter, not to mention that half of players on LONDON server say the same.

                PepsiCola that half of players on LONDON server say the same

                You, deranged_newb and sissy_lucas (the usual criers) are hardly half of server's population.

                If his "cheating" is so obvious like you claim - then why he's not banned yet?
                May be because it's not that obvious, and we need something better than: "i feel" and "i played with/against him and it's obvious".

                  PepsiCola I've stolen all these move from him maybe I should be banned.