• [deleted]



It was like 3 weeks or so ago you asked ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Who are you bro?

and the reply was:

  • Apoka

and then you:

  • Ahhhh I was suspecting...

Of course all of this in Portuguese ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • [deleted]


    He is a really good player since a long long time... back then people just never understood why him and others from his clan had to use cheats since they didn't need them.

      No it wasnt me. I assure you. I dont use "kaguya" in game.
      And I'm not portuguese, I'm from lithuania.

        [deleted] Why they did it i don't know , addictive probably , bored ? i would never use a cheat .

          • [deleted]


          Ups then im mistaken you nick with another person.. my excuses ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

          • [deleted]


          who knows... some people feel the need to be the best they can be even if that best is made by cheating and not really because they are good at it . Happens in all areas and mostly in Sports. Guess its Human nature.

            why isn't this guy banned yet after all these years lmfao

            • [deleted]


            All of you with similar nicks confuse my poor old fart brain ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

              pitok = sad but true = have a cigar = hussar = baton = dzik = CHEATER

              I've known him for a long time and I know that the guy is cheating ...
              the name of the guest is Michaล‚ and he lives in Wrocล‚aw, he is generally cool, but he is a junk because he is cheating.
              I don't understand why the admin doesn't ban him here.

              what should the admin do:
              just go to the spec and log in to the admin, do a few ace shotss (when he does not expect it) and you can see everything that he has turned on ...


              just invite him to the server, where there are good anti cheats, he will not enter another server because he knows perfectly well that he will be caught.

              and no, no instagib guys don't like him because he beats them, with top players he doesn't exist, even with middle guys, he's just a fucking cheat. After all, he was caught on the UK instagib server and later banned everywhere.
              And if someone does not believe, he may need a visit to a psychologist or an ophthalmologist.

                Not really a hack every other version of UT has bright skins by default. I don't do it but a lot of players are tweaking this way.

                • [deleted]

                Didn't even knew you could do this in UT and not be considered a hack


                  He is not using that on my servers.

                  asssafya glad you were spec when you ran this again because if I see it again when you are a player you will be back to banned -- just warning you.

                  Also, there is no reason to post personal information of players that you might know:

                  asssafya the name of the guest is Michaล‚ and he lives in Wrocล‚aw

                  Thankfully, you didn't get more specific but still there was no reason to give someone's name and city (assuming that that info is actually valid). How is this personal information relevant to whether someone cheats or not?


                  To be clear: I ban for this brightskins tweak/cheat whatever you want to call it.

                    it looks like a hack to me , good that you ban for this , it wouldn't be fair , i could hit much more with such skins ๐Ÿ™‚ nice and clean view.