Kicking a Player - Take Effect For Next Game
Thanks for the idea, there currently isn't an option for this but I will add it to my list for the next time I work on map vote.
Whether or not I will enable it once the functionality exists is another thing 🙂 but it won't hurt to have the option available.
I really only leave kick voting turned on so that the players have the ability to kick vote the full-on aimbots that join a few times each year, just in case I'm not around to notice it right away.
I know players kick for many other reasons but since as you pointed out, "there 's a lack either of the will or the ability on behalf of the other players to make a decision" it doesn't really matter that they aren't kicking for cheating. I think some just like to anonymously express their displeasure in a player at the end of the game 😉