Ann0ying Usually I'm not bother by people camping since it's useless and predictable.
But when playing in joust with the double corridor ( forgot map name ) you climbed up top and started spamming secondary shock Blass down the corridor. Even a player in your own team started bitching at you for bouncing him off place when he was carrying the flag.
That's when I made this post.
Like esh said you play like a little kid that's just there to disrupt adults fun.

    drunken_fool Now you're talking much better...

    If you're referring to 1on1-Joust map... c'mon... it's a spam map... specially where people vote the map when there like 16 players...

    As I said... I do not have good aim... so I stick to defense.. and yeah I like camping... If I for some reason bounced my own team.. It was not on purpose. I do not do that.

    Someone isn't gonna get that and get mad : :🀯

    • [deleted]

    People getting Annoyed by a dude that his nick is Annoying? AHAHAHAHA

    Freaking DIVAS that show up in here from time to time πŸ˜ƒ

    Some people cant seem to understand that UT is DEAD, if you want to play serious then create your own server, make a bunch of rules that your "friends" will never follow but ban/punish all others and drive everybody way...

    Is it hard to grasp that this Combo server is simply a server to go have fun and play as you wish. As long as you aren't cheating it is really WTF cares...

    7 days later


    I hope your account is deleted but i guess you are coming back te read the forum anyway. You're such a hypocrite House, playing as Esh. Whatever yr nick is written, yr a lame player. Standing in corners spawnlaming to the max, chasing through maps only to backshoot ppl. Accusing ppl here and yr doing exactly the same!

    I've never seen house play that way.

    I have yesterday! The fact you have never seen him this way doesnt mean he doesnt play like that!

    hey guys...

    this is my thread.. c'mon xD

    a month later

    You are such a fucking pussy, you play like a cunt every game and if I do it back to you it's a problem, but when you do it it's funny.

    You know what is funny? Me ruining every single game you play on the server. Good luck on your camping when I'll have a second monitor with your POV on while I play against you.

      What is this, a kindergarden or what? If you do it, i'll do it too? You guys act like 3 year old kids....

        • [deleted]

        Jacey Ironic coming from you.

        ignore my rant, I'm just being stupid again while tilted.


          Why ironic? You're way better than acting like that imo....

          Ooper heyy man, my issue was not that you were doing it back to me... I was actually having fun killing you (and being killed) on the top part of FragWhore... But then I started to notice that you would kill everyone at first shot, you would rotate 180ΒΊ and kill me at first shot while I was hidding... then we started to play DocksMini (we were on the same team) and you were getting ludicrous kills sequently.... .. I mean I started to think that you were cheating... the other team thought the same... you actually got kicked by votes...
          Since I know you're good, I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and started to pay attention how you were playing... and you were neither attacking nor defending (I made a couple of saves, while you were busy not missing a shot at (almost) every respawn of the enemy...)

          Your second monitor on my POV, might explain how you got me while I was hidding (I'm amazed that you go to that trouble to kill me xD) but for sure it does not explain all that single-shot-never-miss-ludicrous-kills

          Having said that... I was having a great time playing with you man... Dont be so mad... next time if you explain to me how come you're doing such things.. I take my hat to you and we could have avoided this...

          I wasn't using a second monitor that match, I was watching where you went before I respawned(gore on ultra low so none of the bouncy around the map from the head POV), you were doing the same thing I do to Caligula when he's up there, I lost interest that match because I was the only one trying to grab on my team and messing around up there was more entertaining.

          Shooting people standing still/walking in a straight line is not hard especially when I was standing still shooting people, minus when two of you where failing to boost me off the map

          Also the average joes in the server don't know that pressing jump to respawn is better then pressing fire as you spawn slightly differently/lower in the air, which is the opposite of what you would expect/think.

          honestly shit like this is why we need a regular instagib server tbh. 155/55 low grav plz, try spawnkilling or noobjumping in that. also you gotta boost instead of grabble, more teamwork.

            • [deleted]

            Clizown Doesn't the Unrealkillers server still exists? Or they manage to drive everybody that wasn't part of their friends list away?

              [deleted] Seems like you already know the answer to your question.