It seems to me that general hits on the opponent with a primary fire / all primary fires done * 100 would be the most sensible solution. Alternatively (if it's not a problem) a separate acc for secondary firing - that is: (general hits at the opponent with a shock balls + all hits with bursts shock balls) / all fired shock balls * 100.
I guess the sum of accuracy from both types of shots (primary + secondary fire) will not make sense. These two values conflict with each other. Some players only shoot shock balls and kill a lot of enemies while others mostly use primary fire.

Why does accuracy need to be primary only its actually takes more skill to be accurate with a shockball. Its like people wanna go backward and be like IG players. I can spam you with primary easier than shockballs.

    jerc This is what it's all about, so you can verify how accurate a player is potentially. I mean how many shots the player has taken to kill a certain number of enemies, i.e. if a player has taken 100 shots of primary fire in a game and killed 100 enemies, his accuracy is 100% (this doesn't happen unless you are dealing with a cheater or bot set to godlike), if he killed 50 enemies while firing 100 shots, his accuracy is 50%. This accuracy of primary fire cannot be higher than 100% because you can only kill one enemy with one shot.
    As for shock balls, I have basically doubts.
    Let's assume that the player is constantly smashing balls (e.g. Mr. Caligula) and during the entire game he kills 200 enemies while firing 100 shots at shock balls, his accuracy suddenly increases to 200%. And here comes the problem, there is too big a gap between these types of fire. Then you won't check how well the player mentioned at the beginning shoots, because it may turn out that it's just Mr. Caligula 😃

    Ok been thinking about this. I don't see an issue with accuracy being greater than 100% technically. An accuracy of 120 would mean that the player hits 120 victims with 100 fires and that is precisely what was done.
    With combogib you can hit more victims with lesser shots fired, that is the reason this is not instagib!!

      I see your point but how many kills are they actually getting in those shockball streams? Once I notice someone doing that I avoid the line of fire.

      On a lot of maps on this server that everyone likes I have no clue how to get out of the line of fire. Jump dodge backwards is something I am always trying over and over and over. Oh and sometimes I sit and wait to spawn in hopes I spawn in a different spot. Oh wait there is someone spawn shocking this spot to damn it. eeeeerrrrr

      • jerc replied to this.

        the_cowboy Yes, generally no problem with that. Accumulated accuracy may be displayed. But that value doesn't matter anymore. As the name suggests - accuracy means precision. But maybe you can make it count the same percentage for killing multiple enemies as for killing one enemy while smashing one ball.
        I don't know, these are just my suggestions.

        X-Cellerator I dont mean someone pounding spawns with combos i mean shockballs not combo-ed

        I wouldn't include combo kills for above mentioned reasons plus sometimes ill get 2 or 3 guys on a combo that i was just floating a random shockball in hopes i could comeback to it later.

        I get everyone's point about not combining combo kills and/or shock ball kills together with the primary kills in the accuracy calculation but actually I don't think it makes enough difference to matter. They are combined in utstats and if you check out the accuracy for various known ball spammers and spawn camping combo-ers, they still can't manage to get very high accuracy. Whatever way is chosen in the end is fine with me though.

        mhmm, so this is the progress report

        The scenario, for now, is like so:

        Only primary fires are counted in the SuperShockFires counter. Primary fire hits and combo hits are registered in SuperShockHits. Then the accuracy is computed like so

        Accuracy = SuperShockHits / SuperShockFires

        and the result is displayed on the scoreboard!

        I shall push the code by today evening, afterwhich Snowguy can write the magic formula which should be accepted by and accepteable to all.

          the_cowboy Snowguy can write the magic formula which should be accepted by and accepteable to all.

          Nothing to write here. It just needs to be uploaded to the server and it's done. Weeeeeeeeeee!
          Thanks for taking this into your own hands and taking the burden off Mr. Snowguy.

          Any reasonable thing for the community, my pleasure!

          12 days later
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