Just put the .dem file in a folder then zip it and upload the .zip file. Or .rar .7z etc. your choice. Or maybe you just didn't see the little upload icon while typing your post.
drunken_fool I don't understand this thing about backshooting? If we're playing on Opel and I'm defending the base then move down the hallway to cover the flag carrier and you go by me ....why would I let you go by me lol? So you can go grab the flag?
It's a rule for servers where everyone is supposed to go and grab, no dedicated defenders, only defend while leaving the base to go grab. It makes sense in that scenario because if you shot someone you just passed while going to the enemy base to grab you would just have to kill them again to try and get the flag out of their base.
If all players were highly skilled shooters and teams are even in insta type games, it makes a lot of the games a match of just shooting each other with no real progress being made toward flag captures. These rules are meant to help bring an end to those stalemate type matches. The exception on those servers to that rule is you are allowed to backshoot when the flags are not at home and this makes it tough for newcomers and those not super aware of the current flag status to operate effectively.
If you are a grabber you might consider this anyway -- if you kill them on the way in you also have to kill them on the way out.