This is got to be a trigger bot or something.
This is got to be a trigger bot or something.
No its Unreal Shots or at least that's what aliased Fox said
jerc Not sure what you mean. I do hope you understand the gravity of situation. If not, then seems like you have never been against a botter.
This is not to spread and make the already vague topic more confusing. This way you are just helping them, if that is the case let me retort "BS" (botter supportor).
Stop with these retarded topics, it's obvious you have no idea what you are talking about, it's getting boring at this point.
Well if hurling insults is what you are resorting to based on some irrelevant statistics (ut stats is broken) that too after posting uscript based bots, I don't think you have enough ground.
And if you really want to rely on statistics, show me the counter one. What is obvious is you are (implicitly?) covering them. Not sure why.
He misses most of the shots in the video, it doesn't even look remotely odd, at least 3 of the players he's against are straight line/stand still combo players, 89 deaths to 16 kills for the last 4 players.
It's because of people like you making topics like this that the real cheaters get away with it because the off chance you do catch a cheater the topic will just get ignored.
Ooper Clearly you are not aware of how trigger bots work (posting bots won't make you equivalent to the creator). They can bind to activate and deactivate and fool entities like you who they know gonna rely just on statistics for the judgement. CHEATS 101. Thought you were smarter than that.
And you still haven't answered my query so kudos to either not understanding and/or ignoring (I'd bet both in your case).
What really? You can toggle a cheat on or off? Wow your knowledge is huge.
I found the stats link after I posted my first response(that's why its highlighted as Edited), I have two eyes and could see in the video even in that one holy shit he was missing shots. Post timestamp of that video you feel are strange.
If you want solid evidence, you need to find patterns in a players behaviour, one example video with no timestamps of concern, you need multiple examples instead of posting one video with very vague text.
the_cowboy Dude chill pls, I am a former competitive player. Among other things, I played for the German national team in the Clanbase Nations Cup. We became world champions twice in UT2003 and UT2004. I dont cheat! So chill pls.
Lol he's not talking about you.
Besides all that UnrealShots is an amazing player and i'm sure he doesnt cheat! I've been with him in TS, he is a friendly guy and i've seen him in action more than once.
I'm not a botsupp but in this case you're dead wrong in spite of all the stats or vids!
Yes the guy is good of all the league matches I've watched I would say he's the best.
T3ddy Hmm ok. I am sorry you had to read some of the text. Unlike our learned friend here I am willing to be patient and learn without developing any ego.
I was concerned about dwwd because using that unfamiliar nicks are some of the few signs of rage botters. If you were a competitive player that may explain 40% accuracy. I'd say Kudos!!
All I wanted is to gauge some statistics (even if very rough factor) for botters. How much accuracy you reckon they have (> 83?).
Also in some countries obstructing a democratic process is a crime. Our learned friend is far from those nations because he has no respect for one.
Ooper Post timestamp of that video you feel are strange.
Since several people have raised their voice vouching for the player. I think I'd learn to live with this.
I'll just try to add a little to the conversation. I'm not sure if this is UnrealShots or not. I will say that this player has been playing alone for hours every night for weeks or more on the London 2 server against the average bots. I believe he plays there for target practice which is precisely why I leave the bots on the servers with pretty low skill. Not saying this proves anything but it seems he has been actively practicing this aim.
the_cowboy All I wanted is to gauge some statistics (even if very rough factor) for botters. How much accuracy you reckon they have (> 83?).
It is hard to say what accuracy a botter would have. It would almost certainly be adjustable in any cheat. To give one example, this is a known and banned cheater with ~64% accuracy:
That same player is listed many times in UTStats with different aliases if you click Players and sort by the acc column. Meaningful accuracy numbers, of course, would need to have a decent amount of play time maybe greater than 5 to 10 minutes or so. I could delete those entries but left them for exactly this sort of study. Once I get the ranking issues fixed, I will remove the known cheater entries.
Nicefu posted some video from this cheater in the following thread. This was a very obvious cheater. To be clear, I'm not saying all cheats would be this easy to spot but it's interesting to notice that it still only achieved 64% accuracy while being so blatantly obvious:
Some very good players who are most likely not cheating have been able to achieve very high accuracy in the past as high as 60% or so. It is pretty dependent on the map and the opponent's skill level. You have to look at it as just another data point and not as proof of cheating alone, of course.
the_cowboy This is strange in the sense why would I turn 90 degree right while jumping down when someone could be firing from front. Something only bots do usually, in my books.
This could be explained by watching the video starting at around 0:40 seconds, you can see dwwd try to shoot this player as they used the jumpad to get out on that right side platform but he was a little late on the shot. So, when he drops down he checks that platform to see if his missed shot is still out there (or he might have even noticed shots coming from that direction before dropping down).
I don't think this player is cheating but I will check further just in case. Thanks for posting the video.
the_cowboy everything OK. I'm calmed down :>. When it comes to accuracy, it's always hard to gauge. A small example. We had a defender on our team with an 82% end-of-season accuracy rate. There were also always admins in the Spectator on the server who watched and checked him again and again and it turned out again and again that everything was clean. Of course, these statistics were only recorded for the entire league games. So I think it's always very difficult to judge based on statistics. I think I would notice if someone cheated. So far I haven't even had that feeling on the server.
Yes I was in this game and when he started yelling trigger bot I thought he was talking to T3ddy at first myself.
The two shots you posted are easy shots, if you have a mouse sens you can control you can do smoother looking movement, it looks like they have pretty low sense going by how slow their 180 turns are.
Also don't forget that w00t even though it's a bit less played then it used to be has been one of the most played maps for at least 10 years, people using the jumpads always go in the same direction and arc to the point, most players don't track the players movement but aim at certain points especially if you want the flag to be auto returned.