snowguy hahaha if this is really Lou I love the guy now.
This is to funny.
Hi I'm Lou Sasolle
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Nicefu o comon don't be like this.
Go to thailand and give Lou a test drive maybe you enjoy it.
Make sure to bring him a GPU and new mouse.
Look if this is really Lou but he must prove it ....I'll consider getting him a new PC so he can play ut99.
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Wait isn't Lou a euro player?
This smells of player 0
The reason I gave that information is because I'm often insulted on the server. Just being from Thailand is enough for some people to try insult me. Unfortunately most dont know the difference between a ladyboy and a katoey.
Welcome to the forum Lou don't let you be intimidated by some players (all guys ofc), you don't need anything to proove here.
-Lou- 50% are trigger lamers.
If only there were solid proof. I can write a mutator for admin "mutate massban yada yada"
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Proof for the trigger lamers? Or people complaining about them?
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Besides, I've thought about it, and I think what you did to your genitals should be kept to yourself. From this it follows that you seek sympathy from others who do not mind. I get the feeling you're talking about equality. If so, refrain from describing your own sexuality, and even more so when you first say hello on the forum. Not the way. What would it look like if each of us wanted to say hello or make friends and they started their conversation with the fact that they were born male but do not have a penis or a girl only that they have a sewn-in phallus? Or when I wanted to be friends with someone and I said: Hi! I'm a boy and I still have a penis, how about you?
You can have a temporary sex change as a bloke if you go in freezing cold water.
Not sure how I feel about this conversation. I think it would not hurt my feeling to simply have a mod simply hit delete............................
Wow the legendary Lou is here. Welcome my friend
We played many times together.
player_0 Maybe it is Lou but his story the way he laid out the details reminded me of Sad using the Hubble for aiming. I'm not sold Lou don't say shit for years been the subject of Bustas videos and all the sudden he gives us his life story on his first post. I think it's someone he pissed off which is everyone since he always hides where we forget to check.
sup Lou, big fan obviously.. sad about your dick bro, anyway forget about The Shadow he's a huge retard
I thought he was french
jerc All the more reason to la la ..