so have been thinking.. we've got london #1 ~ ZP and london #2 NewNet.
and more then 18 Active players at peak times throughout the day/night.
however they all seem to flock to the more popular server L1.
I don't believe this is because L1 is ZP (which is horrendous) BUT...
because it shows a great number of players.
many of which huddle around maps like AndAction! or Joust. Which is a natural disaster in it self.
while L2 sits there idle without a poodle with a paddle. And would be the Better playable server for all players then L1 imo.
What I propose to get L2 enjoying a bit of Traffic and becoming more popular is this.
Reduce the MaxPlayers on L1 from 18 down to a more respectable 12 players and use an Affiliates mod
to offer redirection of the excess players to L2.
therefore you will have 1 Full L1 and 6 players minimum on L2.. which will climb to 12 in no time at all.
bringing the total number of players upto 24 😉
just an idea , my 2 cents.