I'd be surprised if all the 5 other players are really people in that screenshot, maybe that's why he's quite.
Game Victory Scenes
Taught that shit talker Karag a lesson:
Ooper nah, it was me, chimp and 4 bots. Leftist_tyranny was in spectator mode iirc.
I think cowboy secretly owns this server and is trying to drum up a player base. Also when did cowboy become a bigger lamer than revolverman always spawning or camping his own flag constantly.
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It's the only popular weapon server, which is a shame because it's by far the worst set up and performing one, it shouldn't take multiple seconds for weapons to change, flags to update, and so on, but hey that's what fake players do... It's the type of server that deserves a DDOS and it being gone would be one of the best things to happen to UT.
DDOS it all you want, but not in before somebody makes a good weapons server where ppl actually join to play. Maybe Snowguy would repurpose one of low or no traffic servers or set up a new one.
Before this gets carried away, let's not start talking about/planning/condoning DDoS attacks or anything like that whether it seems deserved or not. The players are the ones that actually suffer during DDoS attacks. It is really only an inconvenience for the server admin. Servers come and go / rise and fall in popularity naturally there is no need to intervene. The disdain for fake player servers is understandable though.
Saying it deserves to be DDOS and planning it is very different.
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talking about limits, fun fact "retard" word is not allowed on that NL server!
Makes me wonder how sensitive that admin really is.
In a way eatsleep servers are better to not censor and I do read some complains. Makes me feel good I am not admin and I don't have to take such decisions.
Maybe the retard that owns that server might upgrade the server to 469D with the improvements to the CPU usage for servers compared to 469C(significant reduction), but I bet the real reason it's still 451 is because they admin is too lazy to update the fake player mods or some other shady shit the server is probably running.
Ye I attempted hammering some sense into him(?), all in vain. Better to teach string theory to dog.
I tried teaching it to my dog but he just called me a Retard.
Training is good. My aiming is getting better.
Crates. Without spawnkilling or sitting in the Box.
Defeating ObrintPas is sooo satisfying.
Spot the bots
I don't know you out scored creep so by your own logic you must be a hax
the_cowboy That's from smoking server? Must've been a lagfest with that many ppl.
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Schizazoid Correct. I have made several requests to the admin (yeah we get blessed by his presence in the chat box sometimes) to rectify the issue you pointed. Seems adamant, so am I.
jerc Well thanks to certain member, I am famous for playing with (against) the bots. So this is dedicated to the entity.
the_cowboy what a shame. I wonder why he's so stubborn about upaditng.