The fact that Pepsi just had to bring up Babydoll leads me to believe Pepsi is OutForBlood just trying to stir up shit.
Interesting chat I had
OutForBlood is from the USA right? Gonzales is Polish. If you see a Polish player with noname, or one that gets 10% the kills of the worst player in the team then you know you've played with Gonzales, or when he posts screenshots of him playing against novice bots from the fake player server as proof that people are cheating.
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Schizazoid: (...) sounds more like accusation. Your initial wording here is plain (...)
I only meant that players he defends, are considered botters for me and for several other players, I didn't say jerc does it on purpose (which doesn't mean he doesn't), he has a right to think they aren't botters.
Schizazoid: Hell, even post on hof that you linked contains (...)
Yes, this sounds like an accusation, but was written to someone else (to fleecey_{HoF}) who was defending someone else (Cardenas) which is one of the biggest and most obvious botter in galaxy.
Schizazoid: I'd have to quote almost everything you write, man. From "x defend y who is cheating and caught red handed",
Lol, "caught" it's a quote from OutForBlood, followed by a link, go educate what is a quote.
Schizazoid: to "he openly streamed himself cheating under his main alias
Because he did, lol.
Schizazoid: - that means he have malicious interest", while linking fucking troll-videos as a proof, lol
You said that (about "malicious interest" and "proof"), not me, try not to put your words in my mouth.
Schizazoid: . Or saying that "x blacklisted from servers" while linking not an actual information about ban on specific server., but a post from user,
Quoting, not saying, go complain to tha author: OutForBlood, not to me.
Schizazoid: who basically admits to abusing votekick-tool through multiboxing and wondering why he got banned, lol.
I didn't know that, "could you link an actual information about it" ?
jerc: The fact that Pepsi just had to bring up Babydoll leads me to believe Pepsi is OutForBlood just trying to stir up shit.
So you're projecting more and more...
Ooper: If you see a (...)
If you see a UK player with name Ooper, or one that gets 2x or 3x the kills of the best fair player in the team, or kills even better than many proven botters, then you know you've played with Ooper or a similiar player.
Ooper: or when he posts screenshots of him playing against novice bots from the fake player server
Not a bad tale/hypothesis, just that you didn't provide any actual link to the screenshoots.
Ooper: as proof that people are cheating.
He was playing vs botters, so he knows they are botters, also he recorded several videos of several botters as an additional proof, then he got bored wasting his time just to record all losers, as he actually preffered to spent his time playing a game, than recording losers and fighting with their defenders over forums.
You still think that loquebot video is real even though I gave you a keybind to replicate the mouse fire the spin effect, you want the webpage as well?
Webpage with the music files:
Just the webpage:
I don't want to say anything but it makes me think...
It was yesterday's game and it's up to you all how to understand and judge it.
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I just read this thread, you call this evidence or what? What exactly turned up, this remark??
Anyone can say anything about everyone, that doesnt mean it is true!
How old are you guys, posting shit like this!! lmao
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dickfish has been around since.. forever
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This is what we are talking about when someone speaks behind someone else's back, it does not mean the truth.
This rule has always worked for me and in life too
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PepsiCola are considered botters for me and for several other players
So, now they aren't "prooved botters" but are "considered botters for me and some other players", good to know.
PepsiCola "caught" it's a quote from OutForBlood
Right, so, you didn't wrote the following:
PepsiCola Jerc defends botters, and was caught defending a proven botter:
It's just me hallucinating, right?
If that's a quote from someone else - you better write it like a quote, not like your "direct" line.
PepsiCola Quoting, not saying
Nevertheless, the point about proofs still stands. If you think that list that some dude made is a good proof - sorry m8, it is not.
PepsiCola Because he did, lol.
What you linked is a troll videos ffs. Nobody in their right mind will make a bot that turns you around on shots, not only it's just makes you detectable by simple observing without any kind of analysis, it's also just not needed in ut. (Don't bring up spinbots from cs:go, it's build different).
From what I can tell in first twich "clip" - opper doesn't cheat, just, like he said above, made alias fire/turn/turn/turn, he "switches on" radar option of that "cheat" and it doesn't show up etc.
I might be wrong, since I haven't played against ooper extensively, but c'mon, there's too many things that doesn't make any sense.
PepsiCola try not to put your words in my mouth.
I just decribed your message behind your post.
In before you link screenshots of ooper or any one else playing with bot/radar against bots: showcasing in a controlled environment how cheats works might help public with understanding and detecting cheats, since there's no magic behind it, only behavioral patterns.
It is amazing how the creatures from the dark side of fantasy lands reheat the chops and how people who are deprived of their own will and imagination are drawn into it. And the best part is when these people try to translate the previous statements of others, writing it out like mathematical equations, without any awareness that they themselves are only hosts of parasites.
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Jacey Clearly your reading skills need improvement. If you just want to troll under the veil of democratic questions, good luck.
If you really want answer, yeah that shows the shady nature of ooper to me, maybe not to you or anybody else and I ain't gonna shit shame you for that. Of all the trolling concepts our ooper chooses to make a bot troll video (to serve what purpose, waste of time?) that in my books is pretty shady.
BTW my understanding of ooper is changing, slowly, from shady to not so shady.
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Don't manipulate what I said, I said "a proven botter " (Dolly), not botters, and OutForBlood described him as a proven botter, I used my own words to describe what he said, but still a kind of quote,, and using your argumentation: "Yes, you can argue, that "a kind of quote =/= a quote" - but that's just semantics and it doesn't really matter, because main message that I send is what OutForBlood said, just using different wording." if you like better you can stick to what he said.
Schizazoid: troll video, showcasing in a controlled environment how cheats works might help public with understanding and detecting cheats, since there's no magic behind it, only behavioral patterns.
Yes, I realized it's a fake video but it was too late to edit my comment, but it doesn't change the fact that it might look like a promotion of a cheat tool under the guise of a joke (same name of a cheat tool, identical look), similiar to him posting links to a cheat tool on this forum.
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PepsiCola it was too late to edit my comment
Could've edit the later reply to me erasing following:
PepsiCola Because he did, lol.
Or just posting something like:"Guys, sorry, videos are trollpost, should've known better".
PepsiCola might look like a promotion of a cheat tool
Yeah, mastermind Ooper making waves and plotting schemes and we failed for that. C'mon man, don't be that way.
Actual "premium" cheats need no advertisement because it's all done in private groups and channels. Publicity for a cheat = death, because out of all ppl who'll learn about said cheat there will inevitably be some guy who would buy it just to leak it to ppl who supervise anticheat updates.
And while I agree, that stunt with posting triggerbot on forum was dumb af and added problems to already problematic environment. If only he would've build in some backdoor or some other shit in it to punish any one who would be foolish enough to run it... but that's kinda illegal.
the_cowboy Clearly your reading skills need improvement. If you just want to troll under the veil of democratic questions, good luck.
Did you need a dictionary to write that? I dont need a veil, ( jeez i'm not from India!) i just read ( and no i dont need any improvements either) a chat where an accusation is being made without any proof, just a random remark. Nothing else! Like numerous accusations are being made on the server every day just because some players are sad losers!
A whole thread has emerged around that remark, about nothing really if you think of it The player who is being 'accused', in this case Ooper, feels forced to defend himself about what? That remark? Get a life!
the_cowboy BTW my understanding of ooper is changing, slowly, from shady to not so shady.
Anyone cares? Dont think so and i'm sure Ooper even cares less!
Are you guys bored or what? Need to spice up this forum, put some action into it? You have nothing better to do?
Get a grip!
making a list of everyone better than you is hilarious.
loved this part too
Site Admin
It is a shame to cheat at this old game. Thank you for your comments. It means a lot to us old school clients.
0 evidence 0 anything but blabber and the site admin is thanking him. he sure is a client alright
good thing about snow is he aint banning anybody, so Gonzales can cry up a storm and nobody will give a shit.
You know what's funny? I saw Ooper real cheat video(c++ cheat). And again, that doesn't mean anything.
BTW, I understand why Ooper uploaded cheat to the forum. You don't have to be a genius to figure it out.
Accept that there are cheaters in the server and you should address all claims to the admins...
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Jacey You have no idea what you are typing and why you are typing just like those corporate assholes who just keep pumping carbon into the atmosphere. I don't get: you first you want clarity on my comments then you want to bitch about the so called accusations and finally you are challenging the purpose of this forums. Yeah player discussion is one of them that is the reason I put marker. You are not secure enough to read, then don't read the forums, or this thread. All you should be bothered is about this piece of crap line
[deleted] It is, that's the point
who reinitiated the conversation
Jacey Anyone cares? Dont think so and i'm sure Ooper even cares less!
I don't give a hoot what you think who cares. See a person truly from India most probably won't mistake themselves into being someone else completely (typical sign of narcissism). So where ever place you are from, keep your care / no care policy to yourself.
If you are so bothered by the spice better not spread yourself in this thread because guess what Jacey, typing "get a grip" won't give you any mature points.
Funny to hear "I don't care" out of the guy who deliberately choose to write such a reply. Or remarks such as "you guys have nothing better to do?" - like, c'mon, don't you have nothing better to do but to respond to post that you think is worthless?
The funny thing entire thread was started because Cowboy must not know Deranged Noobs reputation for calling every single player including myself a cheater. I bet he has even accused Cowboy under his alias of cheating at some point in time. Ignore Deranged Noob at all times and SorryAssNoobcas. People do get banned botters do get caught so whatever that commie socialist rant about democracy ruining your UT experience is BullllllllllllllShit.
Well, democracy kinda ruines UT experience, when demos on server refuses to use votekick option properly, heh.