Just asking, because I've spotted something suspicious when watching his playing on LONDON server. Apart of a fact the guy seem to be very strong and often occupies top places on the scoreboard, I noticed in every game he plays, that everytime after the guy respawns, his weapon auto-fires a single time, either a primary weapon or a secondary weapon, into random directions, so he doesn't kill anybody by it, but the question is why does it happen, and now several possibilities:

  • he is a smart botter and to avoid being caught cheating, he setup his aimbot to auto-fire after a respawn to lower and camouflage his statistics like % of accuracy, which would be noticeably higher, if he hadn't camouflaged them
  • he uses some strange mouse/keyboard key-binds, for some unknown reason, which causes double-clicking thus auto-firing while respawning, but I don't know why anybody would do it
  • any other reason I'm not aware, maybe you can find

Attaching VIDEO

    What netspeed do you use? (F6 While connected to any ut server, bottom numbers if you are not sure)

    That's way too high, try 25000, from what I've seen in the 469 Beta tester channel having it too high can cause issues with data being slightly inaccurate at very high netspeeds, I only asked because the camera looks jittery.

      Strange, because it happens only when spectating him, anyway I'll try to spectate him on 25000 then, anybody also can spectate him, he plays everyday recently.

        PepsiCola Strange, because it happens only when spectating him

        Just to be clear, the accent and pressure was on "him" and not on "spectating", what I mean was:

        • it happens only while spectating him, and not other players
        • I did NOT mean: it happens only while spectating him, and not while playing with him

        Ooper from what I've seen in the 469 Beta tester channel having it too high can cause issues with data being slightly inaccurate at very high netspeeds, I only asked because the camera looks jittery.
        Nicefu I think you need to use specfix to make the picture more smoother...

        Yeah, I was aware of it and heard such complains in my first thread too,
        I've just installed specfix like advised and it has worked !
        The gameplay is supersmooth now in a spectator mode when behindview 0.
        By the way, isn't it supposed to be natively fixed in 469?
        I didn't see it being reported on the issue tracker, maybe it's worth to report.

        Ooper I only asked because the camera looks jittery.
        PepsiCola anyway I'll try to spectate him on 25000 then

        Oh, I've just realised you mean that too high netspeed can cause jittering, and not the guy's auto-firing.
        Well, on 25000 the jitter was still happening, but specifx fixed it.

          Ooper I was wrong, it's really high fps that can cause problems, not netspeed itself.
          This causes rounding errors due to small time deltas between frames

            Ooper high fps

            Interesting, I play with 60 fps and was suffering jittering while spectating (not anymore thanks to specfix), while you play on much higher fps and you don't suffer jittering, but it was supposed to be the other way around...

            You shouldn't have been spec'in without specfix in the first place especially trying to judge other players.

            Generally right, fortunately, in the two videos I recorded, a lack of specfix didn't interrupt to judge, because even with specfix, the guy's weapon still auto-fires, because the auto-firing wasn't caused by lack of specifx, so the current thread and case is still active to discuss.

            I don't know if he's a cheater, but he certainly is an asshole.

            I played a one-on-one (+ bots) with this guy on London server yesterday.
            He's only good in open maps. I've also asked myself if he would not be cheating....

            Nevertheless one thing that I find strange (but that might vary from player to player) is that it seems that he is constantly down-pressing the "fire" button without letting it go, as the rate of the shots is extremely precise to the weapon's timeout..

            But once again, it's hard to tell if he's cheating or not

            Sarcasm? Alibi?

            I am glad I am not the admin 😃

            Is this some kind of joke right? Ppl with average 40Eff accusing me of cheating 😃
            And the picture above ^ ofc i made it for joke. You mate (Enraged Newb) acusse everyone of cheats since few years i saw you playing. And about the autofiring haha you made me laugh from this one! I just spam LMB to respawn faster and this make ma autofiring at respawn - sometimes getting kill with it. Learn to play and stop whining.
            Enjoy my fragmovie:

              Just so there is clarity, my in-game alias is somasup. And yeah I came to know that Enraged_Newb labels many players as aimbotters.
              Nice work on the video!!

              i played a game with him today as Cobain , For me he is totally not cheating and the games before neither. stop this bullSHit..

              And annoying you say hes only good in open maps , he will win every game from you 🙂 😉

                If the point was not clear in my post.. I think that [FX]_e3xecutioner has very good aim and that's it. A cheating player would excel on every map.

                ESUOH that would not be hard m8... what's your point?