Just curious what people's opinions are on other game modes with the same format as the London server (ComboGib, Double Jump, Grapple) and if they would be as fun in either a Domination or Assault scenario.

I suppose with Assault, you could just literally plough your way through or combo doorways infinitely, but still wonder if there's something there.

Domination seems like it could make sense, the maps are relatively open so makes spawn killing a little more difficult.

Just thinking outside the CTF box (not that I don't love it).

Nah, assault gonna be garbage: most of ppl on london join just to do a pew-pew spam whitout a care in the world for a flag objective, so a game mode with several different objectives and phasing is too much for them, lol.
Grapple gives you too much mobility (more than translocator), instagib on assaults also sucks.

Domination on the other hand sounds interesting enough to try it out, even though I think it's gonna be just as bad as most of matches on London 1 (with morrons voting joust and a-like): 1 dude on each point and others around the map spawnlocking other team with spam.

BTW there's dm combogib but it doesn't get much players (less than 5-ish for the last month judging by gametracker page), so, most likely servers with other game modes will end up like it.

    Stop crying, moaning and calling other players names, just because they've choosen a different map, than you like, respect other maps and just wait yours turn/map, you fucking stupid pigs.

      PepsiCola what a morron you are, just wow, I've met people with intellectual disability that were smarter than you lol.
      I might point out that again you do things that you condemned if others did it (insults, off-topic) and you yourself seems to have a "personal vendetta" against several people here (even though you claim it's others attacking you) - but you gonna say some stupid shit again without aknowledging your mistakes and stupidity.
      Stop your Clown Crusade, get off the internet for a while and get help.
      Or don't - and keep being the mocked delusional clown till you hit the dirt - I really don't care.

        What a wall of personal shit, like usual, only because I rightly pointed out to him that he shouldn't cry like a puppy when a different map is chosen, go back to cricus, you clown.

          Gonzales you need to get over your Coulrophilia fetish.

          • jerc replied to this.

            PepsiCola Your attempts on calling others out while your own pants full of stinky shit are so pathetic - I lack the words to even begin to describe it, lol.

            Look, there's no people here that respect you, since they see you for what you really are: a clown living inside his delusional phantasy - nobody buys w/e bs you are saying, so just stop it.

              Ooper I don't think I want to look that one up.


                Another comment, and nothing more than another wall of a personal shit towards me, unrelated to what I said, like he had no normal argument in his empty head, he is so stupid that even his gay friends need to help him in 1v1 conversations with me, just like they were doing in the previous threads, not to mention their jokes/sarcasm this time is worth a shit, even my granny knows better jokes. Just admit you cry like a puppy when a different map is being choosen, that's fine, I won't tell your mom, I promise.

                  Persuading with caution 😃
                  Probably half of the people here have googled already

                    Better take off your 3d virtual reality glasses and realise what you've written is a good description of idiots like you who call other players names and cry just because the other players have choosen other map than you prefer, better go play Tetris or Snake on your phone, you will have a possibility to choose your best maps there each time. 🤣


                      Because clowns/gays like you and others in this thread, from Gang of Gay-Clowns, laugh only at their own jokes, during their gay orgies, even when someone else's joke made them laugh behind their monitors, they got no balls to admit it. Unlike fucking gays like you, I have no problem laughing at other people's jokes, you only lick your own asses, and cum into your own asses, a fucking gay orgy, disgusting, now go and group-masturbate elsewhere, and don't forget to consume yours breakfast: LINK

                      @snowguy Are we just going to let this go on forever unchecked? It's just sad, really, but I was hoping for a legitimate conversation or two on here.

                        Gonzales can't help but step into player_0's kill box it's kinda funny but I see your point. OMG he's a groomer!😱

                        Where did this "gay" thing even came from, lol? Are you projecting, Gonzales? What, not only you an infantile narcissist, but you also sit in the closet, while sublimating that by writing erotic fan-fiction here, is that it?

                        UTNL a legitimate conversation

                        Unlikely you'll have it with Gonzalez and the likes around. Still, my first post here contains some points on your suggestion: insta and grapple are bad for assault (I'm unsure about double jump), and domination is interesting enough to try out, but it's definately gonna be shitshow with Gonzalez and all those SA sentry-bot players just standing and spamming instead of moving their arse towards at least 1 point.

                          I didn't even know they had assault for ut99 thought it was original to 2004.