Schizo you're getting outmatched there, i feel this is the end!
Schizo you're getting outmatched there, i feel this is the end!
PepsiCola Despite the fact that he has again extended his comment 2x, compared to my last comment, basically the progress of ending this festival of shitposting still goes well, because his last comment again consist in 3/4 of denial, bullshit, repeating old things and baseless accusing me of "no you", which I don't feel a need to reply, basically 3/4 of his comment is his monologue to himself.
Heh. Still you go for "no you".
You could've tried something different for a change, but that actually requires intelligence, which you clearly lack.
PepsiCola Sure, but you again compare apples to oranges
Nope. It's just you so full of it: you didn't understand the accurate extrapolation of your own idea, and now you trying to portray it not as your own stupidity rather than someone else's mistake.
PepsiCola because Polish goverment does help Ukraine as it should, so that individual citizens don't need to help, in a contrary to the moderation on the forum, which does not work properly, in this case the users should take actions
You shift blame and responsibility in both cases.
Okay, let's go with your "take matters in one's own hands": why you message other people with links to those messages, spreading "disgusting gif's" yourself, instead of just flagging those messages and sending dm to snowguy, if moderator (and forum actually have one) doesn't act. Why you blame others?
Why is that so hard to understand: you are part of the problem too. You don't fight injustice, you don't help to enforce the rules - you yourself just helping to spread nsfw gif's all over the forum.
PepsiCola I flagged them + informed the admin
Well then: let it go already, you've done your part, give yourself a medal.
Oh, wait, forum already decided on it's design: it's a clown emoji, wear it proudly.PepsiCola and there was no reaction, that's why I took matters into my own hands (just like people will, if the goverment fails), which you call some bs like "being a white knight" etc.
Because it is bs. It's uncalled for and it won't matter to anyone, but you. That's just another way for you to stroke yourself pretending that you better that everybody else.
But that's the thing: you cry about nsfw and rules, but what you do after that? You yourself keep breaking the rules by insulting others, whilst also spreading links to nsfw stuff.
Is it really so hard for you to understand?
PepsiCola Take your meds, you idiot said "it's you", without arguments, just opinion, hence I replied the samy way: "no you"
I gave plenty of arguments, facts and proofs. It's just you can't dismantle those properly, so you deny them.
Again, I said that you will use "no you" as a main argument - and you proceed to do just that. Again and again. Like what else I have to proof exactly, lmao.
PepsiCola I explained it to you already 10 times
You wrote bs that doesn't make any sense. And I explained why, several times. Also I explained just why you actually keep on replying.
I showed that you replying because your ego felt "attacked". So, you chose to go with your narcissistic drive and proceeded to replying, whilst claiming that you don't want to do that.
If my assertion of your persona wasn't true in that regard - then you would've actually stopped replying a long time a go, because there's really no need to do that.
PepsiCola I somehow still managed to make this festival of shit end soon.
See, again narcissism bleed out through words you choose:"Look at me all of you, me so-so".
PepsiCola Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk
You keep saying that, yet you keep replying...
Like you could've stopped replying a long time ago, since it is really unnecessary (and I explained and showed why), yet you chose not to stop, but play it out as if you were victorious, having the last word and all that. It's so childish, so narcissistic - it's just beyond any words. Yet, you choose to go that route, even though by doing so you give more proofs to my points about your personality.
Finally ! The time has come ! His comment above is just a wall of denial, bullshit and gibberish, which doesn't make any sense, and that noone understands and noone cares about, hence I don't feel a need to reply to it at all.
Schizo is the champion then if you don't reply! gg
What a clown you are, gonzalez.
[deleted] Schizo is (...)
Schizo is a clown which is at most the champion of: manipulation, denial, blaming, trolling and gibberish.
Llike I already said in my previous comments, I replied to important / relevant things, the rest is his gibberish / monologue, to which there is no point in answering, because it's going to go on forever.
Schizazoid What a clown you are.
Says a clown.
Anyway, I finished the discussion, and stopped replying to you, that's what you wanted, so I hope now you fuck off and stop writing to me, unless your point is to troll forever.
Nah it's really over, THE DREAM IS DEAD!
No, it's not over. It starts again. From single sentences to large volumes.
It feels like two different AIs fighting each other. IBM vs. Microsoft. Amazon and Google are still missing.
Are you sure they aren't AI?
Only way to be sure is to let them play tic tac toe.
I think Schizazoid had the upper hand in the end, Gonzalez saying "Anyway, I finished the discussion.." is a sign of defeat
It's fine relax