Can we put some music to set the mood?
Gonzales carries UT99
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Okay, basically it looks like I already replied to most of his bullshit, and cleared most of the things out, his last comment consist in 2/3 or 3/4 of denial only and repeating old things I already explained, and it doesn't contain new reasonable arguments, thus I don't feel a need to reply to it and to feed the troll. Thanks to it, I only need to address 1/3 or 1/4 of his last comment, which is a good progress compared to my previous comment where I needed to address 50% of his comment, which of course was a good progress too. It shows that I'm the one who tries to end this festival of shit when he tries to fuel it for fun.
So now addressing 1/3 (or 1/4) of his last comment, mainly a part at the end:
PepsiCola it's not the first time you intentionally cut off a part of my sentence to hide my arguments, you were doing it already several times in the previous thread
Schizazoid As I already said: your message is still up and anyone willing to do so can check it out for yourself. There's no malicious manipulative behaviour here on my part: I just trim unnecessary bs from some of the quotes.Schizazoid I just trim unnecessary bs
No, you cut out a valid argument that supports the whole statement and makes it true, in order to blame me that my statement has no argument and is worthless, and then to label it as "no you" and that I didn't prove anything - a
perfect manipulation. Lmao.
Then caught red-handed you call it "trim unnecessary bs". Another perfect manipulation. Lmao.
You are a talented and clever troll, which I already proved many times.
PepsiCola because I don't say you are responsible for actions of others, just for your lack of action
Schizazoid Well, what did you do to help stop the ongoing military conflicts? (...)
I already told you: don't expand from a forum to the entrie world, because you compare apples to oranges, your example / analogy is stupid and funny, because I live in a country and pay taxes, and from these taxes paid by all citizens, the Polish state/government, helps ukraine all the time since the beginning of the war, there is no need to every individual citizen to take any individual actions on it's own, except to take Ukrainian refugees under its roof at the beginning of the war.
Schizazoid Besides, those gif's would've been long forgotten, if you weren't bringin them up,
Schizazoid Hell, I think they wouldn't be even posted if it weren't for your comical reaction.
Lmao. You still keep blaming me, as it was me who posted this NSFW shit, it's your nature of an ugly troll like you to manipulate and blame others. I can just easily referse your stupid pseudo-argument 180 degree, and tell you the same:
if they hadn't posted it, neither I nor anyone would have to mention about it. Also like I already said, when you did similiar manipulations before: when I read your nonsenses, I get the impression that you want to reverse the direction of the Earth's rotation, to reverse order of facts.
Schizazoid baiting other people in to seeing them for themselves.
To show them, how wonderful is to be baited by such shit, and how I felt, let everybody fell the same, smell and taste shit, then maybe they'll understand that shit like this shouldn't be tolerated, and as for you, you'd rather sweep the shit under the carpet and say it's cleaned up, you're just trying to manipulate people like usual.
PepsiCola because you only have to see it once to be disgusted
Schizazoid Are you a snowflake or smthng?
Schizazoid Like how you are disgusted by people spraying chocolate pudding as a joke?
Schizazoid It's not like people actually shat themselves in those gif's.
Joke or not, looks like real shit and is disgusting, especially with an addition of almost naked humans.
Not to mention that many people don't even realise and they think it's real.
Schizazoid The only gif with real shit (heh) - it's rhinoe one, which, again, not THAT disgusting: it's natural biological process that everybody does.
Sure... watching a man or animal shitting, is a beautiful act of art everybody wants to see, while reading forum about a computer game, it's so beautiful and comparable to watching stars on the sky, you have a sense of aesthetics like that of a shitting chimpanzee, that's nothing more than a proof you are a perversed gay with Coprophagia festish, who tries to persuade others to his perverted fetishes, if you like the shit so much, print it out and hang it on your wall, all your friends who visit you will be delighted with what a nice room you have.
PepsiCola because you excuse allowing NSFW shit despite it should not be allowed
Schizazoid But I'm not. I'm just reflecting on the state of forum rules and moderation.
Cheap excuse of a gay with Coprophagia festish, I'm guessing that if the forum rules required you to eat shit to register, you'd happily do so.
PepsiCola instead you're just stupidly calling me names
Schizazoid Lmao. So, we just skip the fact that you filled your posts with insults etc, right? When gonzalez does something - it's good, when others do something - it's bad.And we are hypocrites, not you. Heh.
You are an fucking idiot, you're comparing apples to oranges, because in the given example you were purely calling me names without any arguments, and you compare it to when I was calling you names with arguments explaining why.
Like I already said, I just sometimes use someones's funny sentences against them, for fun, to beat them their own weapon.
Schizazoid And result of that: you beat yourself. Wow. Interesting tactic.
Schizazoid Are you hoping that people gonna see you beating your clownish face and take pity?
The funny thing is it's you who have acted like a clown: you've just stated that I beat myself, but you have't explained why, you fucking clown, it's funny as a joke, but there is no argument / proof in it, only a joke. Are you hoping that people gonna see you beating your clownish face and take pity?
PepsiCola And I like when normal people like me
Schizazoid Delusion after delusion. Your posts, wording, images you paint, your behavior - all of those things proves that you are not "normal".
No, you fucking clown, stop turning 180 degree, because it's your posts, wording, images you paint, your behavior - all of those things proves that you are not "normal". I already proved in all the threads 100 times, that you are an idiot and a troll, I also proved you are a gay who suffers: DENIAL SYNDROME, SCHIZOID DISORDER AND COPROPHAGIA fetish, it's time for you, you fucking son of a bitch and ugly creature, to unplug from the Matrix and accept the reality.
Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk with idiot like you, you are like an intrusive mosquito, go find your boyfriend elsewhere, go make fun of your own reflection in the mirror.
I hope Schizazoid is cooking up something, this can't be the end of it!
PepsiCola Okay, basically it looks like I already replied to most of his bullshit
Like you didn't even answered my question about how the fuck you got to idea of gays out of some silly gif's with chocolate pudding.
PepsiCola his last comment consist in 2/3 or 3/4 of denial only and repeating old things I already explained
What, do you think that if you write this line - it magically gonna make your shallow replies and repeats to disappear or something?
Well, what am I saying, of course you would go for "no you".
PepsiCola which is a good progress compared to my previous comment where I needed to address 50% of his comment, which of course was a good progress too
Lmao. Trying to portray yourself as some kind of master of rethorics, carrying the whole conversation on his shoulders.
Again point to my "gonzalez = narcissist" claim.
PepsiCola It shows that I'm the one who tries to end this festival of shit when he tries to fuel it for fun.
Aw, look at that "knight in shining armor".
Yeat another point to "gonzalez = narcissist".
If you were really trying to "end this festival of shit" - you would've either not reply to this thread in any way inititially, or at least you would've stopped after expressing that you don't want to talk.
PepsiCola you cut out a valid argument that supports the whole statement and makes it true
Just because your delusional fantasy says that - the reality is opposite. Most of your "arguments" are just "no you" rants, that already been called out not only by me. And those "no you" lines are not a valid statement.
PepsiCola and then to label it as "no you" and that I didn't prove anything - a
perfect manipulation
I showed several times. Hell, you yourself tried to dismantle that accusation by quoting your own messages, that literally are glorified "no you" phrases with more wordings. And when I pointed that out - you kept saying "no, it's you".
What do I have to proof more? And to whom exactly? Others - already seen it and have no interest in this conversation and in you as a person. You, on the other hand, while being interested in this conversation (since you keep replying), you will not admit it (well, narcissism and all that).
PepsiCola Then caught red-handed you call it "trim unnecessary bs". Another perfect manipulation
Nah, what you trying to do is to downplay already busted instances of your manipulations, by calling other people's behavior manipulative, even when it really is not that - just another "no you", but worded differently.
PepsiCola You are a talented and clever
PepsiCola troll, which I already proved many times.
Nah, You called me troll in futile attempt of diminishing my arguments. And you tried to bring nationality in that also. But failed to do so, or to "prove" anything, except accuracy of my own "accusations" against you.
PepsiCola I already told you: don't expand from a forum to the entrie world, because you compare apples to oranges
Nope. It's just on point with your initial imbecillic claim about "responsibility for inactivity".
PepsiCola because I live in a country and pay taxes, and from these taxes paid by all citizens, the Polish state/government, helps ukraine all the time since the beginning of the war
So, basically you yourself don't do a jack shit and just shift your "responsibility" to somebody else, right?
Well, even then: see, that's analogy of your perfectly applies to forum: we got powers that be which enforce rules and regulations - I don't have to go out of my way to get them to do their job.
PepsiCola You still keep blaming me, as it was me who posted this NSFW shit
Nope. I blame you for your imbecilic approach. If it weren't for your comical dramatic reaction - those gif's wouldn't be even posted in the first place.
And again: you keep bringing them up and linking them to everybody, basically spreading them over the forum so much - that you can be blamed just as people who posted them - that concept is not so hard to understand, since it one of the simplest form of censorship: don't mention X to people and they won't know about X existence.
PepsiCola it's your nature of an ugly troll like you to manipulate and blame others
Says the guy who blames everybody for his own posts.
Well, I'm not surprised.
PepsiCola I can just easily referse your stupid pseudo-argument 180 degree, and tell you the same
What, again? Aside from posting links to irrelevant shit and crying - you do only that: taking people's arguments against you, turn them upside-down, claim them as your own and throw them back, while accusing others of such manipulation.
PepsiCola if they hadn't posted it, neither I nor anyone would have to mention about it
You don't have to mention it everywhere, lol. All you have to do is to find those messages and flag em. At most - dm Snowguy about deleting those messages.
But no, you just had to turn simple action in to drama about you being a white knight, saving poor forum fols from ugly trolls and their shit, lmao.
PepsiCola To show them, how wonderful is to be baited by such shit, and how I felt, let everybody fell the same, smell and taste shit
Ah, again you slipped. Now we see true motivation behind the whole "nsfw gif's" drama - you got offended and now trying to get some kind of revenge.
My-my, again more points to my "gonzalez=narcissist" claim.
PepsiCola and as for you, you'd rather sweep the shit under the carpet and say it's cleaned up, you're just trying to manipulate people like usual
I'm not. I actually do the opposite: I point out that you trying to "clean up shit" by smothering it all over forum, and I'm keep advising you to stop it.
Want those gif's deleted? Flag those fucking messages already and let it go: you have done your "dooty".
And that's how you do jokes right. Look there----------------------------------------------------------^^^
PepsiCola Joke or not, looks like real shit and is disgusting
Ugh. W/e, fucking snowflake.
PepsiCola especially with an addition of almost naked humans
What, you consider naked humans disgusting, eh? Heh.
PepsiCola Not to mention that many people don't even realise and they think it's real.
Well, bad news for those people: they are dumb.
PepsiCola Sure... watching a man or animal shitting, is a beautiful act of art
I didn't say that.
It's not you first day on the internet, yet you get so riled up by insignificant gif's? Sucks to be you, I guess. You really should stop using internet, because there is a high probability that you gonna see some more shit (heh) that could make you loose your mind (or what's left of it).
PepsiCola I'm just reflecting on the state of forum rules and moderation.
Cheap excuse
Now-now, who's out of arguments, eh?
PepsiCola that's nothing more than a proof
It just proofs that I'm not so easily bothered by silly insignificant things. Some might even claim that it's due to desensitization - a big scary phenomena used to convince old or dumb people in to believing that internet should be strictly regulated, heh.
Thing is: you bring this topic so much - it looks like you fixated on that. That kind of fixation doesn't happens out of blue.
And seeing how you write such colorful sentences:
Usually, when people think of something - they have it play it out in their imagination (if you don't have aphantasia of course). And since that act of constructing such sentences is voluntary one - it turns out that you choose to decribe things that you claim you hate.
With that said, I dare to bring up my previous theory about you sitting in a closet. You repress your own desires, shove them far down in to subconsciousnes - that doesn't make them go away - so, they burst out in form of projective identification: you attribute such desires to others and trying to call them out, in attempt to humiliate them - that's how you trying to "fight" your own desires.
PepsiCola When gonzalez does something - it's good, when others do something - it's bad.And we are hypocrites, not you. Heh.
You are an fucking idiot, you're comparing apples to oranges
Lmao. You literally insulted me while trying to dismantle my point on insults? "Genius".
PepsiCola because in the given example you were purely calling me names without any arguments, and you compare it to when I was calling you names with arguments explaining why.
What are you on about? An insult is an insult.
Hell, you cried so much about other people insulting you, cried about forum rules and how everybody should abide by them - and after that you've gone on the whole "insults" rampage. Your behavior is filled with hypocrisy so much, that Machiavelli would be proud, lmao.
And yes: you voluntary just proved my point, while trying to dismantle it, heh.
PepsiCola The funny thing is it's you who have acted like a clown
It wouldn't be a gonzalezes post without "no you" at the end of it.
PepsiCola you've just stated that I beat myself, but you have't explained why
I showed. You could literally read the last topic about insults to see how.
That's rich, coming from a guy who "diagnosed" me with schizoid personality disorder without backing up such claim with anything, even when you were asked to do so. Nor did you proved your claims about my orientation or fetishes, lol.
And yeah: unlike you, I backed up every my point with arguments, proofs and actual examples taken from your posts.
Hell, even the whole "psychoanalysis" thing I backed up by solid reasoning from theoretical perspective.
PepsiCola PepsiCola And I like when normal people like me
Schizazoid Delusion after delusion. Your posts, wording, images you paint, your behavior - all of those things proves that you are not "normal".No, you fucking clown, stop turning 180 degree, because it's your posts, wording, images you paint, your behavior - all of those things proves that you are not "normal"
Oh boy, another:"NO!1!IT'S NOT ME!1! IT'S YOU!1!".
Oh, well, it's not like I expected anything else from you, gonzalez.
PepsiCola Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk
Yet still you keep on replying.
What, you so desperately have to say the last word, that you "torturing" yourself by doing something you don't want to? And after that you call me insane, lmao.
I'm hype as fuck, PepsiCola response is about to be glorious!
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Despite the fact that he has again extended his comment 2x, compared to my last comment, basically the progress of ending this festival of shitposting still goes well, because his last comment again consist in 3/4 of denial, bullshit, repeating old things and baseless accusing me of "no you", which I don't feel a need to reply, basically 3/4 of his comment is his monologue to himself.
Hence, I will address only 1/4 of his comment, mostly a part at the end:
PepsiCola because I live in a country and pay taxes, and from these taxes paid by all citizens, the Polish state/government, helps ukraine all the time since the beginning of the war
Schizazoid So, basically you yourself don't do a jack shit and just shift your "responsibility" to somebody else, right? Well, even then: see, that's analogy of your perfectly applies to forum: we got powers that be which enforce rules and regulations - I don't have to go out of my way to get them to do their job.
Sure, but you again compare apples to oranges, because Polish goverment does help Ukraine as it should, so that individual citizens don't need to help, in a contrary to the moderation on the forum, which does not work properly, in this case the users should take actions, just like if a government in a country does not act as it should, then people will take action into their own hands.
PepsiCola if they hadn't posted it, neither I nor anyone would have to mention about it
Schizazoid You don't have to mention it everywhere, lol. All you have to do is to find those messages and flag em. At most - dm Snowguy about deleting those messages. But no, you just had to turn simple action in to drama about you being a white knight, saving poor forum fols from ugly trolls and their shit, lmao. Want those gif's deleted? Flag those fucking messages already and let it go: you have done your "dooty".
You are an idiot, take your meds, because I already did the both things you mentioned: I flagged them + informed the admin, and there was no reaction, that's why I took matters into my own hands (just like people will, if the goverment fails), which you call some bs like "being a white knight" etc.
PepsiColaNo, you fucking clown, stop turning 180 degree, because it's your posts, wording, images you paint, your behavior - all of those things proves that you are not "normal"
Schizazoid Oh boy, another:"NO!1!IT'S NOT ME!1! IT'S YOU!1!".
Schizazoid Oh, well, it's not like I expected anything else from you, gonzalez.
Take your meds, you idiot said "it's you", without arguments, just opinion, hence I replied the samy way: "no you"
(and unlike you, I already provided arguments before for my "no you", thus I wouldn't even call it "no you").
PepsiCola Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk
Schizazoid If you were really trying to "end this festival of shit" - you would've either not reply to this thread in any way inititially, or at least you would've stopped after expressing that you don't want to talk. Yet still you keep on replying. What, you so desperately have to say the last word, that you "torturing" yourself by doing something you don't want to? And after that you call me insane, lmao.
I explained it to you already 10 times you idiot: buy glasses and go read my previous replies, again: why don't you stop yourself, in contrary to you, I need to address your manipulations, that's why I can't stop.
But it seems anyway, I somehow still managed to make this festival of shit end soon.
Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk with idiot like you, you are like an intrusive mosquito, go find your boyfriend elsewhere, go make fun of your own reflection in the mirror.
Schizo you're getting outmatched there, i feel this is the end!
PepsiCola Despite the fact that he has again extended his comment 2x, compared to my last comment, basically the progress of ending this festival of shitposting still goes well, because his last comment again consist in 3/4 of denial, bullshit, repeating old things and baseless accusing me of "no you", which I don't feel a need to reply, basically 3/4 of his comment is his monologue to himself.
Heh. Still you go for "no you".
You could've tried something different for a change, but that actually requires intelligence, which you clearly lack.
PepsiCola Sure, but you again compare apples to oranges
Nope. It's just you so full of it: you didn't understand the accurate extrapolation of your own idea, and now you trying to portray it not as your own stupidity rather than someone else's mistake.
PepsiCola because Polish goverment does help Ukraine as it should, so that individual citizens don't need to help, in a contrary to the moderation on the forum, which does not work properly, in this case the users should take actions
You shift blame and responsibility in both cases.
Okay, let's go with your "take matters in one's own hands": why you message other people with links to those messages, spreading "disgusting gif's" yourself, instead of just flagging those messages and sending dm to snowguy, if moderator (and forum actually have one) doesn't act. Why you blame others?
Why is that so hard to understand: you are part of the problem too. You don't fight injustice, you don't help to enforce the rules - you yourself just helping to spread nsfw gif's all over the forum.
PepsiCola I flagged them + informed the admin
Well then: let it go already, you've done your part, give yourself a medal.
Oh, wait, forum already decided on it's design: it's a clown emoji, wear it proudly.PepsiCola and there was no reaction, that's why I took matters into my own hands (just like people will, if the goverment fails), which you call some bs like "being a white knight" etc.
Because it is bs. It's uncalled for and it won't matter to anyone, but you. That's just another way for you to stroke yourself pretending that you better that everybody else.
But that's the thing: you cry about nsfw and rules, but what you do after that? You yourself keep breaking the rules by insulting others, whilst also spreading links to nsfw stuff.
Is it really so hard for you to understand?
PepsiCola Take your meds, you idiot said "it's you", without arguments, just opinion, hence I replied the samy way: "no you"
I gave plenty of arguments, facts and proofs. It's just you can't dismantle those properly, so you deny them.
Again, I said that you will use "no you" as a main argument - and you proceed to do just that. Again and again. Like what else I have to proof exactly, lmao.
PepsiCola I explained it to you already 10 times
You wrote bs that doesn't make any sense. And I explained why, several times. Also I explained just why you actually keep on replying.
I showed that you replying because your ego felt "attacked". So, you chose to go with your narcissistic drive and proceeded to replying, whilst claiming that you don't want to do that.
If my assertion of your persona wasn't true in that regard - then you would've actually stopped replying a long time a go, because there's really no need to do that.
PepsiCola I somehow still managed to make this festival of shit end soon.
See, again narcissism bleed out through words you choose:"Look at me all of you, me so-so".
PepsiCola Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk
You keep saying that, yet you keep replying...
Like you could've stopped replying a long time ago, since it is really unnecessary (and I explained and showed why), yet you chose not to stop, but play it out as if you were victorious, having the last word and all that. It's so childish, so narcissistic - it's just beyond any words. Yet, you choose to go that route, even though by doing so you give more proofs to my points about your personality.
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Finally ! The time has come ! His comment above is just a wall of denial, bullshit and gibberish, which doesn't make any sense, and that noone understands and noone cares about, hence I don't feel a need to reply to it at all.
Schizo is the champion then if you don't reply! gg
What a clown you are, gonzalez.
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[deleted] Schizo is (...)
Schizo is a clown which is at most the champion of: manipulation, denial, blaming, trolling and gibberish.
Llike I already said in my previous comments, I replied to important / relevant things, the rest is his gibberish / monologue, to which there is no point in answering, because it's going to go on forever.
Schizazoid What a clown you are.
Says a clown.
Anyway, I finished the discussion, and stopped replying to you, that's what you wanted, so I hope now you fuck off and stop writing to me, unless your point is to troll forever.
Nah it's really over, THE DREAM IS DEAD!
No, it's not over. It starts again. From single sentences to large volumes.
It feels like two different AIs fighting each other. IBM vs. Microsoft. Amazon and Google are still missing.
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Are you sure they aren't AI?
Only way to be sure is to let them play tic tac toe.