Schizazoid False statement in every bit. You could just look at forum: there's almost no ppl lashing out on any of "us", but there's plenty of ppl telling "Idiot" when they engage you in any way.
Idiots / trolls just call / accuse someone of being an idiot, without arguments, in contrast to that, I beat you all combined together, on arguments in conversations vs me, over and over, 100 times, that's enought proof that they are idiots.
Schizazoid You really did not, you tried to adress "gonzalez conjured up an admin" thingy, not exteriorization (...)
In player_0's comment there is a refference to jerc's comment, which means a comment with "exteriorization" accussation was a result of a previous comment with "chat log" accusation, and was related to it. I defended myself against charges related to the chat log, which means at the same time I defended myself against charges of extraterrestrial, you must be an idiot to not realise such simple thing.
Schizazoid Nope. You just wrote "you either this or this".
And each "this" was followed by arguments, buy better glasses idiot.
Schizazoid May be once as kind of a joke, heh. But you keep bringing that subject up again and again event in threads that irrelevant to that one you linked earlier, so, I guess you googled that and got so impressed, that you just can't help yourself but to mention that thing over and over again.
Because trolls accuse me all the time of various things, and at the same time they are blind to see how "bad" themselves and their buddies act, thus I just link to it to prove their hypocrisy. I hope you understand now, you idiot.
Schizazoid I talked about the moderation approach in general, not about posts with w/e, kek, but you either to stupid to understand that single thing, or trying to manipulate the conversation by replacing subject. Or both.
Stop manipulating and looking for cheap excuses now, you idiot, you talked basing on specific (NSFW) examples, you allow pasting NSFW SHIT, which is disgusting.
Schizazoid Nope. I expressed that exact thing as assumption about your personal "traits" (...)
Schizazoid Just this next your message could be interpreted as a projection of your repressed, well, desires:
Schizazoid Since it's unlikely that "normal" person would word it that way. (...)
Schizazoid your fixation on this "gay"
Again, you idiot: it wasn't me who pasted those NSFW SHIT things, and not me who licks each other asses as he was a gay, don't call it "my personal traits" nor "desires" nor "fixation on gay", it's your and your buddies's personal traits / desires: GAY + COPROPHAGIA fetish.
Schizazoid Nope. First and foremost you a troll, (...)
Buahaha, says a russian troll produced in Russian factory. A good joke.
Schizazoid Again "no you" with a hint of narcissistic "look at others".
You and your buddies are trolls who cherry-pick / accusse only me, and ignore when themselves or others do the same or worse things, you do that all the time, I just show you how big hypocrites you all are with your accusations, yes this is true: look at others and at yourself in the mirror, before you accuse anyone, hypocrites.
Schizazoid "They" don't "cherrypick" yours, they mock both of us for that thing. It's just your inflated ego sees only itself and perceives any somewhat valid criticism as attack on itself, even if other people were critisied too.
They were talking specificly about my comments only, while ignoring yours, buy better glasses, idiot.
Schizazoid at least my comments, while being often long and sometimes hard to read due to how they structured, they arguably have more things that at least make sense.
They are shitposts with 0 arguments, only "NO YOU" and manipulations.
Schizazoid Well, he doesn't appear as othen as some and his posts are mostly consist of actually relevant things, not interpersonal bs, kek.
Doesn't change a a fact that some of his comments are very long, and that most "interpersonal bs" is on your and your buddies's part.
Schizazoid C'mon, you don't have to adress it, lol. Nobody cares much about it.
Like I said, some not so smart users might believe your propaganda.
Schizazoid and attaching irrelevant links to wikipedia or dead threads.
The links perfectly describe your disorders: GAY, DENIAL SYNDROME, SCHIZOID DISORDER, COPROPHAGIA fetish.
PepsiCola that long comments are usually wrote by intelligent people who have rich argumentation
Schizazoid Lmao. Still you confirm my assumption about your narcissism.
You don't need high IQ to make longpost - and your own rants are prime example of that.
Lmao. That's why I used a word "usually", you fucking idiot, use better glasses when you read.
Schizazoid You have to earn respect. Nobody has to respect (...)
Stop fucking about respect in general and writting your poems / essays about it, because the context of why I mentioned about respect was partially sarcastic, but you are too stupid to understand it, and the non-sarcastic part was only with regard to the specific thing: "idiots who only create short stupid comments and who blame intelligent people for long intelligent comments". I'm not interested to talk about respect in general, especially with russian trolls like you and your buddies, who paste / allow NSFW SHIT, not to mention I don't give a fuck about your respect, because you only lick your own asses, this is what is your respect, gays respect only other gays.
Schizazoid But you did the opposite of that: you singlehandedly destroyed your own "public" image on old forums related to unreal servers and now here.
Stop using fake and obsolete arguments, I don't do that anymore, since long time already, and wasn't even present on the forum since a week or so, but despite it you still have created 2 shit-threads about me, and keep shitposting there, because now your new ass pain is: campers, not my problem you don't know how to deal with campers: LINK, stop crying dogs.
Schizazoid since you mostly waste everybody elses time and pollute threads with idiocy.
Lmao.What a fucking idiot you are. It's not me who recently created 2 threads about me, and waste my time and pollute threads with idiocy, because can't deal with campers. I only reply to yours idiocity and crying.
Schizazoid Yeah. Shame that all your "efforts" goes to writing "no you"
Schizazoid Gee, you keep saying that you don't use "no you" as your main argument and proceed to writing "no you", but with more words. Do you ever think in before posting, or is that something that you consider too hard and you don't wanna bother with that? Because if you really tried to put some thoughts in what you do - you would've realised by now why so many people call you idiot or clown.
Like I already said, it's you who use "NO YOU" all the time + at the same time accuse me of doing it, when I don't do it, you're smart in your manipulation and trolling, just that you have 0 valid arguments, other than accusing of "YOU NO" and repeating like a broken CD, every time you are out of arguments. Do you ever think in before posting, or is that something that you consider too hard and you don't wanna bother with that? Because if you really tried to put some thoughts in what you do - you would've realised by now why you are an idiot / clown.
Schizazoid Hell, you can't even come up with something original, so you just aping my jokes and words.
You're repeating yourself, idiot, you're boring like a broken CD, because you already were trolling and accusing me of it in the previous threads, and I already addressed it 2 times, and proved you are na idiot, because almost all of my over 200 comments contain only my orginal arguments, and I only occasionally copied several of your texts, just for fun: "Just don't cry that I've used your words one more time, just for fun / sarcasm, to beat an opponent by his own weapon." So why the hell are you getting back to some old things which were already discussed in the previous thread and I proved you are an idiot? Don't you fucking idiot understand that you are an idiot? Oh, right: idiots are not aware that they are idiots.
PepsiCola Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk
Schizazoid Your long essays says the opposite, as well as your behavior: right till this very moment any time any one (but mostly me) replied to you or mentioned you - you instantly appeared, ready to post.
Again, in previous threads and in this one nobody actually forced you to reply - you chose to, even if you really didn't have to.
Stop manipulating and changing order of facts, I appeared to post after you created a shitpost towards me: LINK, thus as long as you shitposts I need to reply, otherwise some not so smart users might believe your propaganda.
Basically stop talking to me, because I don't want to talk with idiot like you, you are like an intrusive mosquito, go find your boyfriend elsewhere, go make fun of your own reflection in the mirror.