Did some testing and it turns out that the error doesn't get printed in the log. I ran it in a v436 wine install and got it to crash. Here was the error:
Found there is more than one snow.u on the server. The other one has a setupsnow function that does some recursion if it can't spawn the snow at the randomly chosen location ( the gist of it anyway ).
md5sum SNOW.U
2061c535e53a5f0915256a87ffc7914a SNOW.U
md5sum Snow.u
f2c800f11329fc99005ecff23d1dd942 Snow.u
I removed the offending Snow.u file but then the server couldn't load the map because it was looking for the SnowGen class in the Snow.uax and Snow.utx files that were also on the server. Removed those Snow files and everything seems to run fine now for both the client and the server.
This is a good example of why it is important to create unique names for everything.
Before I can make these changes on the public server, I will need to check all the other winter maps to make sure they don't rely on the removed Snow files.
Will have to wait until tomorrow for that though as I used up all my free time the last couple days getting the christmas config up to date. Strange that it didn't also happen on liandri-winter but maybe it will still happen on that one too, hope not but will see.