Ever played Bunnytrack? And why not?
This is not a request, but look what I found. https://nfssoundtrack.com/ug/
I love all tracks and the game of course. 🙏
bustacell but rocket launcher is slow af. Should've been:"My heart race faster than you bounce with flag" or smthng like that 😃
nice one @@Nicefu 🙂
bustacell Was it my boost? I remember such a boost, but it has been for a long time 😉
bustacell Nice background music
Nicefu Yeah, it was yours :) Been a while indeed. 27.02.2023 at 22:35:52 CET to be precise :p
Well, you need to thank two players, one you, and guess the second player 😁. I learned this stuff from you guys
Nicefu Uhm.. Not quite sure? 😬
bustacell SBT, he almost always boosts the players with the flag. Especially FragWhore map. In any case, teamwork is always welcome.
Nicefu SBT Ah, yeah. His boost-timing is always incredible (not to mention the precision :p) Nicefu teamwork is always welcome True, however, especially boosting can also easily be counter-teamwork 😬
Nicefu SBT Ah, yeah. His boost-timing is always incredible (not to mention the precision :p)
Nicefu teamwork is always welcome True, however, especially boosting can also easily be counter-teamwork 😬
Boosting is never wrong only an IG noob would say that.
Unless it's boosting in opponents LOS or out of the map.
I wasn't serious.
Something positive for a change :)
bustacell you decided to make noobies tutorial (at least for some weaponry) like Nicefu requested? 😃
Project Combo Gib 2 - TGML in dev
0:47 Peek A Boo 😁
Nicefu Is this a song suggestion? 😬