bustacell Wow, you already did it. Yes, this is the version...
In any case, thank you so much for your work. ❤️

bustacell Hmm.
G.G. Allin - My sadistic killing spree, might be good for something like insane-combo montage 😃
Municipal Waste - you're cut off. (Maybe footage of cap denial emphasizing on cut off refrain).
I guess almost any popular nu-metal band (like Slipknot and whatnot) and some punk-ish bands would fit edits, while metal that is actually metallic (heh) not exactly good for it. But you might try to prove me wrong with Midnight - Rip this Hell 🙂

bustacell but rocket launcher is slow af. Should've been:"My heart race faster than you bounce with flag" or smthng like that 😃

Yeah, it was yours :)
Been a while indeed. 27.02.2023 at 22:35:52 CET to be precise :p

Well, you need to thank two players, one you, and guess the second player 😁. I learned this stuff from you guys

    bustacell SBT, he almost always boosts the players with the flag. Especially FragWhore map.
    In any case, teamwork is always welcome.

      Nicefu SBT
      Ah, yeah. His boost-timing is always incredible (not to mention the precision :p)

      Nicefu teamwork is always welcome
      True, however, especially boosting can also easily be counter-teamwork 😬

      Boosting is never wrong only an IG noob would say that.

      Unless it's boosting in opponents LOS or out of the map.