I have to turn off gore myself or waste shots on someone's wiggling foot.😁 I do leave scaring on though because I use it as a marker or measure. I can see the use for gore in the videos as extra action.
I really like your videos mainly for the editing skills! The PACE and flow you get on them is really good.
As a suggestion (if you dont mind) I would remove all the Gore and that fake round Shadow from them. They to me are too much clutter and "noise" (mainly due to the amount of players) that distracts from your aim/movement skills. But it's your videos so of course you do as you wish I will watch them anyway 🙂
[deleted] Thanks for your feedback 😇 And also thanks for the suggestion! Guess I gonna give it a try 😊
The other day you shot me on an amazing move... I even said: I'm on a Movie (or something like that) 😆
[deleted] Oh 😅 Actually I barely realize what happens in the chat box due to the huge amount of kill / xyz has a multi kill messages 😬 Too bad, otherwise I would have marked the according map as "recordable" 😔 .. unless you remember day & map name?
Im not sure of the map... Duku maybe and it was probably two days ago. Tell's you nothing ahahaha
[deleted] Mhn, last Duku match which we played together was on Thursday: https://eatsleeput.com/utstats/?p=match&mid=11911 (if I did not miss anything)
Gonna check out the demo 🙂
bustacell my hero 😉 I also like your ut movies, there is totaly chillout, fun and passion inside 🙂 gj mate !
a few mine UT movies (oldschool and some other, sorry for quality)
Thanks @snowguy for suggesting the song the other day. Thought it might fit to those scenes I came across while working on another project 😬 Also took up your idea of reducing gore, @[deleted] 😇
bustacell Very nice video !
Who would of thought Lou would be featuring in that video lol
ahahaha love the LOU one....
And much better without all the stuff flying around 😃
In case anyone wonders why Slava a.k.a. Berserker mentions the videos so obtrusively on the server (..or in case anyone is just up for some random 1on1 scenes): https://melee.com/p/EUM3VlZ
Origin: (00:38- 00:46)
Nicefu Let me suggest a powerful list of music to edit
Thanks again for the suggestion! Found something there: 🙂
bustacell hahaha cool ^^
I miss the URS time 🙂),